Agenda item

'Being Digital' Technology and Skills Development - RES/18/041


With reference to Article 7 of the minute of its previous meeting, the Committee had before it a report by the Chief Executive which presented proposals on the technology requirements to progress the ‘Being Digital’ Strategy.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -

(a)          approve the proposal for the Content Management System (CMS)/Website, and Community options as recommended within Options Appraisal 1, Section 8 in Appendix 1, subject to approval of the procurement by the Strategic Commissioning Committee;

(b)          approve the proposal for the Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Bookings, Workflow and Integration options as per the recommendation within Options Appraisal 2, Section 11 in Appendix 1, subject to the approval of the procurement by the Strategic Commissioning Committee;

(c)          approve the proposal for Reporting and Master Data Management (MDM) options as per the recommendation within Options Appraisal 3, Section 9 in Appendix 1, subject to approval of the procurement by the Strategic Commissioning Committee;

(d)          approve an additional investment from the Transformation Fund, inclusive of contingency, to deliver savings by Year 3 (as detailed in the report) to deliver the solutions as recommended in (a), (b) and (c) above;

(e)          note that technical support as identified in section 6 and digital skills training as detailed in Appendix 2 will be delivered from the Digital Partner as per the existing call-off contract; and

(f)           note that the proposed procurements in (a), (b) and (c) above would be subject to a standalone report to the Strategic Commissioning Committee on 7 June 2018 for approval in accordance with procurement regulation 4.1.


The Vice Convener moved, seconded by Councillor Boulton:-

That the Committee approve the recommendations contained within the report.


Councillor Yuill moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Flynn:-

            That the Committee -

(1)      note that the recommendations in relation to:

(a)      Content Management System/Website;

(b)      Customer Relationship Management; and

(c)       Master Data Management

do not offer solutions sustainable in the long-term and instruct officers to report back to the Council meeting on 2 July 2018 with recommendations for Content Management System/Website, Customer Relationship Management and Master Data Management solutions which will provide long-term sustainability together with the accompanying business case(s);

(2)      note that there are many existing third party facilities and services which allow citizens to share information and therefore does not agree to procure a new tactical solution for Community;

(3)      reaffirm the decision made at the meeting of the Committee on 9 February 2018 to initiate a procurement process for the corporate digital booking service;

(4)      given that “ACC already possesses an industry leading strategic solution”, agree to continue and enhance the current solution for Reporting; and

(5)      note that technical support as identified in section 6 and digital skills training as detailed in Appendix 2 will be delivered from the Digital Partner as per the existing call-off contract.


On a division, there voted:-   for the motion (3) - Vice Convener; and Councillors Boulton and Graham;  for the amendment  (2) - Councillors Flynn and Yuill.


The Council resolved:-

to adopt the motion.