Agenda item

Winter Maintenance Operation 2009 - 2010


With reference to article 3, of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 12 January, 2010, at which point the Committee considered an emergency motion by Councillor Adam regarding the winter maintenance operation, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided an overview of the strategy that the road service operated throughout the city during the winter of 2009/2010 and provided details of the rationale for the routes covered and detailed the types of cover that would be provided. 


Overnight winter operations commenced on 14 November 2010, with early morning operations commencing on 23 November. Early morning treatments of the priority roads continued through November up to mid December when winter started in earnest with the onset of snow on the 18 December. What followed was prolonged periods of snow, along with very low overnight temperatures causing major problems for the next ten weeks. March was milder allowing only officers to revert to early morning operations except for one major snow operation on the 30/31 March. Specific details of the operations carried out over the period from November 2009 to March 2010, as well as the staff winter rota and resources were provided. It was highlighted that throughout the winter period the priority routes, for the majority of the time, were kept clear and travel along these routes was unrestricted.


With regards footpaths, members were reminded that as part of budget savings in 2008-2009, it was agreed that footpath operations be reduced by reducing the size of the fleet by six footpath ploughs. This was achieved by not extending or buying the leased Kubotas. Another part of the saving was to stop standby operations for footpaths, and only commence footpath operations at 7.45am instead of 4.45am. This meant that the priority footpaths, as set out in the Winter Maintenance Operations Plan, were the only routes to be covered as part of the early morning operations. This reduction in Standby Staff meant that there were only 2 people on call for priority footpaths over the Christmas period. With the continued poor weather the Supervisors started to call in additional resources, and, even though they were on holiday, there was willingness by the men to assist. Resources were increase during most days during the holiday period allowing the majority of available Kubotas to be deployed.


It was highlighted that with over 1200km of footways, it was not feasible to have widespread coverage as anticipated by many members of the public. With a further 40% of remote paths and areas within our Council housing estates requiring treatment the widespread expectation of “black” roads, footpaths and car parks would not be achievable in the prevailing weather conditions. Details of factors impacting on the operation and effectiveness of the Kubota were provided.  However, it was emphasised that the ability of the Kubotas to clear snow was demonstrated at the end of March when the snow remained ice free and the machines covered approx. one third of the city in one day. Details of the resources utilised throughout the period for this highly labour intensive operation were provided.


Thereafter, the report provided a detailed overview of the position over the winter with grit bins and salt and sand stocks. In terms of salt stocks, it was advised that a total of 25476 tonnes of salt were used during the winter period, approximately 70% more that in a standard winter.


Finally, the report provided an analysis of problems experienced throughout the winter operations.


Appended to the report were:- (1) Well Maintained Highways Code of Practice for Highway Maintenance Management  Complementary Guidance; (2) Winter Maintenance Plant 2009-2010; and (3) Priority Definitions – Extract from the Winter Maintenance Plan.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to instruct officer to continue with the comparison of other similar urban authorities Winter Services both in terms of operation and cost;

(ii)        to note the recommendations of Section 13 of the Well Maintained Highways and how Aberdeen City were already complying with the majority of these requirements;

(iii)       to incorporate, within the Winter Services Plan for 2010/2011, those recommendations in Section 13 of the Well Maintained Highways not already in the Winter Maintenance Plan 2009/2010;

(iv)       to request officers to report back to the Committee at its meeting on 7 September 2010, with the updated Winter Services Plan;

(v)        to remove Councillor Adam’s motion from the outstanding motions list;  and

(vi)       to otherwise note the contents of this report.

Supporting documents: