Agenda item

Motion by Councillor Young - Requirement for a Suitable Crossing or Other Means of Assistance for the Residents of Clashieknowe Extra Care Housing

“That this Council fully explores the perceived need by the residents of Clashieknowe extra care housing for suitable crossing or other means of assistance to allow them to cross the road safety to and from the bus stop which is situated opposite their housing complex.”



With reference to article 18 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 20 April 2010, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided information on the terms of the following motion submitted by Councillor Young:-

            “That this Council fully explores the perceived need by the residents of Clashieknowe extra care housing for a suitable crossing or other means of assistance to allow them to cross the road safety to and from the bus stop which is situated opposite their housing complex.”


By way of background the report advised that the matter raised in Councillor Young’s motion, had been explored previously and at that time it was found that a pedestrian crossing could not be justified due to the small number of pedestrian crossings.   However, as the previous surveys had been carried out some years ago, it was decided that further surveys would be carried out to ascertain the levels of pedestrian movements in the vicinity of the extra care home.  The findings of the study of vehicular and pedestrian movements, as well as pedestrian related accidents at a 220 metre length of road on Scotstown Road opposite the housing complex was provided. In summary, the study had concluded that the crossing point in question at Clashieknowe to the adjacent bus stop did not generate a large amount of pedestrian movement with only 20 pedestrians crossing during the course of the day and only four residents from the care home.  In addition to this, roads officers had contacted the Housing Improvement Officer from the Housing and Environment Service to ascertain the current status of the care home and were advised that the Council was actively considering the future of the care home given its age and the current design of the building, however, there was no current timescale for a decision on its future.   Separately in terms of the pedestrian crossing at the existing location of the school crossing patroller, it was advised that the majority of pedestrian movement crossing Scotstown Road were occurring further south at the point where the school crossing patroller was situated. 


As such, it was decided that the surveys be undertaken at this location also, however, it was appreciated that this route was much longer and the bus stop was some 300 metres away, compared with the 55 metres to the stop adjacent to the care home.   The survey found that the volume of pedestrians at this location meant that the provision of a signalised puffin crossing could be justified to aid pedestrians at this location.  


In conclusion, it was advised that given the low number of pedestrian movements at the original location identified by Councillor Young, it would be inappropriate to promote the installation of a controlled crossing at the particular location on Scotstown Road.   However, the volume of pedestrians crossing was clearly far higher further to the south at the location of the School Crossing Patroller and therefore it was proposed to install an appropriate crossing facility at this alternative location in the future once the appropriate funding was identified.          


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         that no further action was required in relation to a pedestrian crossing from Clashieknowe care home to the nearby bus stop;  and

(ii)        to instruct officers to include on the current reserve list, a controlled pedestrian crossing on Scotstown Road at the existing location of the current School Crossing Patroller, when funds from future years’ budgets become available;

(iii)       to remove Councillor Young’s motion from the outstanding motions list;  and

(iv)       to otherwise note the content of the report.

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