Agenda item

Grey Mill Building, Broadford Works - 180535

Planning Reference – 180535


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link:-


Planning Officer:  Lucy Greene



The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for the substantial demolition of the Grey Mill building, including the South Mill, Old Mill and stair tower, and the temporary stabilisation of the remaining southern gable, at Broadford Works, Aberdeen, be approved subject to the following conditions:-




1.    That the demolition shall not take place unless there has been submitted to, and agreed in writing by, the planning authority:

a.    a signed binding contract for the works to implement the restoration of buildings within phase 1A and 2, as shown on the approved phasing plan, or such other as may be subsequently agreed, and construction of the replacement building incorporating the retained gable (all in accordance with Application Ref. 180531/LBC and 180537/LBC and/or such other listed building consent applications as may be subsequently approved); and,

b.    a detailed construction programme for at least the first six months of works including phases 1A, 1B and 2, based on the phasing plan approved application 180530/MSC, or such other plan as subsequently approved.


No demolition works shall take place unless the works preceding demolition, in the construction programme, or other such programme as may be subsequently agreed, have been fully completed – in the interests of ensuring that the demolition of the GM will result in the implementation of a project that will result in the restoration of the principal areas on this listed site.


2.  No demolition shall take place until a scheme of archaeological investigation has been submitted for the approval in writing by the planning authority.  Thereafter all works shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved scheme including the provision of post-excavation and publication work.  The scheme shall also set out the procedures for dealing with archaeological features discovered during the development of the site - in the interests of protecting items of historical importance as may exist within the application site.


3.  No demolition hereby approved shall take place prior to a photographic survey of the relevant listed building being undertaken and submitted, along with an appropriately scaled survey drawing of the relevant building, to and approved by the planning authority.  All elevations, both internal and external, together with the setting of the buildings, and any unusual feature/s, shall be photographed and clearly annotated on a plan, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the planning authority.  Photographs, which should be digital on cd, shall be clearly marked with place name for identification, national grid reference and planning reference and deposited in the local Sites and Monuments Record - in order to ensure a historic record of the buildings.


Reason: To ensure that a historic record of the building is made for inclusion in the National Record of the Historic Environment and in the local Sites and Monuments Record.


4  Historic Environment Scotland’s Threated Building Survey Team should be notified and given three months to record the grey mill prior to the commencement of works - to ensure that a historic record of the building is made for inclusion in the National Record of the Historic Environment.


5.  That demolition shall not take place unless there has been submitted to and approved in writing by, the planning authority a scheme for the salvage and reuse of dressed granite and granite blocks as well as cast iron features capable of salvage.  The work shall be carried out in accordance with such a scheme and these materials shall be retained for re-use on the site – in the interests of retaining building fabric of historic architectural interest.


6.  That the south gable of the Grey Mill South shall be retained on site in accordance with the approved details, or such others as may be subsequently approved.  No works shall take place to the fabric of the gable, other than in accordance with the approved details, or others as may be subsequently approved – in the interests of preserving the fabric of the retained gable.


7.  No granite cleaning to the retained gable shall take place until a stage two cleaning report in line with the Council’s Stone Cleaning Supplementary Guidance and TAN 9 has been submitted to and approved by the planning authority – in the interests of retaining the character of the listed retained gable.


8.  No demolition shall take place unless there has been submitted to and approved by the planning authority, a scheme of dust suppression measures to minimise potential contamination and disturbance to nearby property.  Thereafter such scheme shall be implemented as part of the works unless otherwise agreed by the planning authority - in order to minimise amenity impacts on adjacent properties during demolition works.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the application conditionally.


Supporting documents: