Agenda item

Change of Use - Aberdeen Pet Resort - Culter House Road, Aberdeen - 181460

Planning Reference:- 181460


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link:- and enter planning reference 181460.


Planning Officer:  Jamie Leadbeater


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for the change of use of an existing stable building as dog hotel with associated alterations including the installation of windows, doors and cladding with mesh panels, security fence and other associated works, at Aberdeen Pet Resort, Culter House Road Aberdeen, be approved subject to the following conditions:-



1)    Prior to the dog hotel coming into operation, all noise mitigations measures contained within Section 5.1 of the submitted Noise Impact Assessment (prepared by Grosle Environmental Services, 09/10/2018) shall be implemented in full and remain in-situ for the lifetime of the development.


Reason: In the interests of mitigating the noise impact of the development to ensure compliance with Policy T5 (Noise) in the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 and PAN 1/2011 guidance.


2)    That all dogs residing in the ‘dog hotel’ facility shall remain within the confines of the built structure between the hours of 18.00hrs and 08.30hrs daily, as per the recommendations set out in the submitted Noise Impact Assessment.


Reasons: In the interests of minimising noise disturbance from the dog hotel during hours of the day local residents shall expect to enjoy their highest levels of general residential amenity, to ensure compliance with Policy T5 (Noise) in the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 and to adhere to PAN 1/2011 guidance. 


3)    That the ‘‘dog hotel’’ facility hereby approved shall house no more than 11 dogs at any one time, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Planning Authority following the submission a separate planning application.


Reason: In order to ensure the dog hotel is operated in accordance with the noise mitigation measures detailed in the submitted Noise Impact Assessment, in the interests of the amenity of the surrounding area to comply with Policy T5 (Noise) in the ALDP and to adhere to PAN 1/2011 guidance.


The Committee heard from Jamie Leadbeater, Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the application and answered various questions from members.  In regard to questions from the Convener, Mr Leadbeater advised that policy H1 – residential areas, was not applicable as the site did not fall in a designated residential area in the Local Development Plan.  Mr Leadbeater also explained that as the houses had not been built on the opportunity site 109, within the Local Development Plan, that this was not a material consideration in the determination of the application.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener moved:-

That the application be refused.  In relation to Policy T5, Noise, the Committee had concerns about the noise impact of the development.  In relation to Policy H1, the Committee had concerns relating to the detrimental impact upon residential amenity in connection with noise emanating from the development particularly in relation to the noise impact on OP site 109 designated on the Aberdeen Local Development Plan Proposals Map.


Councillor Copland, seconded by Councillor Allan, moved as amendment:-

That the application be approved in line with the recommendation contained within the report.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (5) – the Convener, the Vice Convener and Councillors Donnelly, McKenzie and Yuill; for the amendment (4) – Councillors Allan, Cooke, Copland and Sandy Stuart.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the motion and therefore refuse the application.

Supporting documents: