Agenda item

Change of use from class 4 (offices) to class 7 (hotel) comprising 106 beds and associated external works - Custom House, 28 Guild Street, Aberdeen - 181532

Planning Reference:- 181532


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link:- and enter planning reference 181532


Planning Officer:  Matthew Easton


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That the application for the change of use from class 4 (offices) to class 7 (hotel) comprising 106 beds and external works to reconfigure and install two windows to the front roof, add mirrored panels and reconfigure existing access, at Custon House, Guild Street Aberdeen, be approved subject to the following conditions:-






The building shall not be occupied unless a detailed scheme showing the altered main entrance arrangement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Thereafter the building shall not be occupied unless the revised access has been provided and is available for use.


Reason – in order to maintain the character of the conservation area.




No hot food cooking and reheating activities shall be undertaken (including but not limited to; oven cooking, boiling, stewing grilling/broiling, deep fat frying or shallow frying – except for re-heating and hot-holding of pre-cooked soups) unless a scheme of LEV - (including a suitable extract ventilation assessment by a competent person) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority.


Thereafter no cooking or reheating activities shall take place unless the LEV system has been installed and is available for use.


Reason – to ensure that food odours and fumes do not adversely affect the amenity of the surrounding area.




No development shall take place unless a detailed assessment of the likely sources and levels of noise arising from any mechanical plant, and those audible out-with the premises has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The noise assessment shall be carried out by a suitably qualified independent noise consultant. All noise attenuation measures identified by the noise assessment which are required in order to prevent any adverse impacts on the amenity of residents in the surrounding area shall be installed prior to commencement of the use hereby approved, unless the planning authority has given prior written approval for a variation


Reason – to ensure that existing uses in the surrounding area are protected from any noise arising from the development.




The building shall not be occupied unless a scheme showing the layout of the basement car park (including at least three accessible spaces) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Thereafter the building shall not be occupied unless the car park has been laid out in accordance with the approved scheme and is available for use.


Reason – to ensure that there is adequate parking provision for disabled staff and customers.


The Committee heard from Matthew Easton, Senior Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the application and answered various questions from members.  It was noted that conditions 1 and 4 from the committee report would be amended due to errors contained within the report and the revised conditions were detailed above.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the application conditionally as contained above.

-       Councillor Marie Boulton, Convener

Supporting documents: