Agenda item

Town Centre Capital Grant Fund - PLA/19/290


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – City Growth, which presented the options provided by officers for project proposals and sought approval to distribute the allocation of funds to each project in relation to the Scottish Government Town Centre Capital Grant, where Aberdeen City Council received an allocation of £1,351.000 in March 2019.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       note the funding of £1,351,000 allocated to Aberdeen City Council from the Scottish Government Town Centre Capital Fund;

(b)       discuss the list of projects provided by officers at Appendix 2 of the report and determine which projects are to be taken forward; and

(c)       delegate authority to the relevant project Chief Officer, following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to consider and approve business cases (including estimated expenditure) for the recommended projects for the purposes of Procurement Regulation 4.1.1; and thereafter to procure appropriate works and services, and enter into any contracts necessary for the delivery of the recommended projects without the need for further approval from any other Committee of the Council.


The Committee were advised prior to the meeting that the project relating to Archibald Simpson House Creative Hub Space had been withdrawn.


The Convener, seconded by Councillor Allan, moved:-

            that the Committee –

(1)     approve recommendations (a) and (c);

(2)     agree to take forward the following projects:-

(i)      Hayton Road – Street Design Project – estimated cost £90,000;

(ii)     Parklets Development – estimated cost £80,000 (subject to the condition that this will be maintained by Aberdeen Inspired);

(iii)    Suspended Signage – estimated cost £400,000;

(iv)    Intelligent Street Lighting Phase 2 – estimated cost £125,000;

(v)     Union Street Public Realm Phase 2 (Union Bridge Lighting costs only) – estimated cost £68,502.50;

(vi)    Mither Kirk – Funding requested for the replacement heating system – estimated cost £390,000;

(vii)   Living Wall – Flourmill Lane – estimated cost £60,000.

Total Cost of Projects: £1,213,502.50

Funding Available:  £1,351,000

Balance:  £137,497.50; and

(3)     that a report be submitted to the September meeting of the City Growth and Resources Committee with further options on how the balance can be allocated.


Councillor Flynn, seconded by Councillor Nicoll, moved as an amendment:-

            that the Committee –

(1)     welcomes the funding of £1,351,000 allocated to Aberdeen City Council from the Scottish Government Town Centre Capital Fund;

(2)     note that the funding is available for use for projects meeting the funding criteria that are commenced or committed to prior to 31 March 2020;

(3)     note the list of projects provided by Officers at Appendix 2 and instruct that full business cases be prepared for each project, together with any additional suitable projects coming forward in the meantime, detailing the anticipated project delivery outcomes against the funding criteria and including the whole life cost funding requirement and how this is to be delivered;

(4)     establish and delegate authority to a sub committee of the City Growth and Resources Committee, comprising one member from each of the five groups within the Council, to identify an order of preference for the projects to be supported for funding;

(5)     note the City Centre Masterplan, which was approved by Council unanimously identified Project EN08 Castlegate “..will be reinvigorated as Aberdeen city centre’s main civic square.  This historic space that for centuries was enlivened with people and activity has lost sense of focus in recent years and the intention is to seek a new role for Castlegate that brings it back to life.”; and

(6)     notwithstanding the listed projects, instruct the Chief Officer – City Growth to investigate the options available for using the funding provided by the Scottish Government Town Centre Capital Fund to deliver civic improvements to the Castlegate with additional funding being sought from other partner groups such as SUSTRANS etc and to bring back a report on all the options including those considered by the sub committee at 2.4 to the City Growth and Resources Committee meeting on 26 September 2019.


Councillor Delaney, seconded by Councillor Catriona Mackenzie, moved as a further amendment:-

            that the Committee –

(1)     approve recommendations (a) and (c);

(2)     agree to take forward the following projects:-

(i)    Parklets Development – estimated cost £80,000

(ii)   Intelligent Street Lighting Phase 2 – estimated cost £125,000

(iii)  Union Street Public Realm Phase 2 – estimated cost (£380,000)

(iv)  Mither Kirk – Funding requested for the replacement heating system – estimated cost £390,000;

(v)   Living Wall – Flourmill Lane – estimated cost £60,000.

Total Cost of Projects: £1,035,000; and

(3)     note that the total cost of the projects listed at (2) above is £1,035,000, instructs the Chief Officer – City Growth to report back to this committee on how the balance of £316,000 could be utilised to enhance facilities for cyclists in the city centre and in particular how segregated cycle lanes could be provided.

There being a motion and two amendments, in terms of standing order 28.16, the Committee first divided between the amendment by Councillor Flynn and the amendment by Councillor Delaney.


On a division, there voted:- for the amendment by Councillor Flynn (3) –Councillors Flynn, Catriona Mackenzie and Nicoll; for the amendment by Councillor Delaney (1) – Councillor Delaney;  Declined to vote (5) – the Convener and Councillors Allan, Donnelly, Duncan and Jennifer Stewart.

The Committee then divided between the motion and the amendment by Councillor Flynn.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (5) – the Convener and Councillors Allan, Donnelly, Duncan and Jennifer Stewart; for the amendment (4) – Councillors Delaney, Flynn, Catriona Mackenzie and Nicoll.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.

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