Agenda item



The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Space Solutions, on behalf of their client, Parklands View LLP per CTL Estates, for a proposed major development with around 100 to 150 units, potentially including facilities consisting of approximately 1000-3000 sqm of class 1, 2 and 3 at Silverburn House, Claymore Drive Aberdeen, 191150.


The report advised that Silverburn House was a recently demolished office building located in a prominent position on a main route into Aberdeen from the north and the site had recently been cleared.  The site formed part of the Aberdeen Energy Park, which lay north of the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre and on the eastern side of Ellon Road.  Silverburn House and the surrounding land to the north and east was identified in the Aberdeen Local Development Plan as “Specialist Employment Areas” with a focus on Class 4 (business) uses.


The report further explained that to the south of the site lay the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, which was zoned within a mixed use area and identified as Opportunity Site OP13 in the Local Development Plan.


The Forum heard from Angus Smith, Architect for Space Solutions and Alex Robb, AB Robb, Property Agent and client representative, in regard to the proposed application.  Mr Smith explained that they had recently met with Bridge of Don Community Council in regard to the proposal and were not looking at the proposals on their own, but in line with the other planning applications in the area, such as the former Aberdeen and Exhibition and Conference Centre site, which was located close to the site.  Mr Smith advised that they submitted a bid through Aurora Planning Consultants for the new Local Development Plan in order to ask for the site to be considered as a development opportunity site for residential use of 100 units.  Currently the site was classed as employment land, but due to the downturn in the Oil and Gas sector, it was felt that this was not required as employment land.  Mr Smith noted that a notice was published in the Press and Journal and Evening Express on 18 September 2019 advertising the public exhibition and consultation event, which was due to be held on 8 October 2019 at the Sports Centre on Claymore Drive.


Mr Smith explained that within the proposals and site they hoped to have a local store, a dental practice, medical practice and a coffee shop, as well as a community green, landscaped areas, pedestrian links and also the retention of the existing sports centre which could potentially be a new operator.


The Forum then heard from Mr Gavin Evans, Case Officer, who addressed the Forum and provided details regarding the planning aspects of the application and responded to questions from members.


Mr Evans explained that the site was now a cleared site, following the demolition of Silverburn House, with the retention of the local sports centre.  Mr Evans advised that due to the development hierarchy, this was classed as a major development and as such would require to comply with the statutory requirement for a Proposal of Application Notice.  He explained that the site was for business use only and not residential use and as such, if the application was submitted, it would be classed as a significant departure from the Local Development Plan and would require a Pre Determination Hearing, before the application being considered at Full Council.


Mr Evans also highlighted that as part of the application, the applicant had been advised that the following information would need to accompany the formal submission:-

·         Pre-Application Consultation Report;

·         Drainage Impact Assessment;

·         Analysis of Business/Industrial and Housing Land supply;

·         Details of mitigation of potential conflict between housing and business/industrial uses;

·         Masterplan;

·         Design and Access Statement;

·         Landscape Strategy and Management Plan;

·         Transport Assessment/Transport Statement;

·         Travel Plan;

·         Noise Impact Assessment;

·         Affordable Housing Delivery Strategy;

·         Tree Survey, Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Tree Protection Plan; and

·         Low and Zero Carbon Buildings and Water Efficiency Statement.


Members then asked a number of questions of both the applicant and the case officer and the following information was noted:-

1.    The applicant advised that the AECC development would be ahead of their development in terms of progress and as a result would mirror what was proposed for that development in terms of education provision;

2.    There was the potential to have connectivity with the site and Aberdeen beach;

3.    The applicant were in discussions with Council housing officers and mainstream house builders regarding whether the properties would be Council housing, private housing or a mixture of both depending on demand; and

4.    There would be a factor for the properties in order to maintain the landscaping and grounds.


The report recommended:-

That the Forum –

(a)         Note the key issues identified;

(b)         If necessary, seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)          Identify relevant issues which they would like the applicant to consider and address in any future application.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)            to note the information provided from both the applicant and the case officer; and

(ii)          to thank the presenters for their informative presentation.

Councillor Marie Boulton - Convener


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