Agenda item

54 Gallowgate, Greyfriars House - 191321


The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Telereal Trillium, for a major redevelopment to form primarily residential units, approximately 140, including demolition and other ancillary development with car parking, access, landscaping and infrastructure at 54 Gallowgate, Greyfriars House, Aberdeen, 191321.


The report advised that the application site comprised a 3 storey and basement “C” shaped vacant office building and surface car park situated on the eastern side of Gallowgate, which lay to the north of a late 20th Century flatted development on Littlejohn Street and immediately to the south of the Gallowgate public car park. 


The report provided a description of the site and noted that there were three indicative options for the proposed redevelopment of the site that had been put forward and they were:-

  1. 90 units – one “C” shaped building which would be approximately replicating the footprint of the existing office building.  The new building would be 5 storeys in height, with the top storey at roof level recessed from the wallhead, with balcony terracing;
  2. 120 units – would consist of two buildings.  One 5 storey with recessed top storey, linear block onto Gallowgate and one “C” shaped block, in the eastern half of the site, with a central opening to the carpark to the north; and
  3. 140 units – one “E” shaped building, approximately replicating the footprint of the existing building but with the addition of a central wing which would project south.  The building would increase from 5 storeys with top storey recess onto Gallowgate, which would step up to 7 storeys with top storey recess, at the eastern end. 


The report stated that all three options would retain the existing vehicular access taken off Gallowgate which served a surface car park to the rear of the building.  An element of car parking was proposed to be retained in all three options, with a landscaped communal amenity area provided on a deck built above the car park.


The Forum heard from Alex Ferguson, Planning Officer, who addressed the Forum and provided details regarding the planning aspects of the application.  Mr Ferguson advised that the application site was within the city centre boundary however it lay outwith the City Centre Masterplan boundary.  Mr Ferguson explained that as the application site was within the city centre, the Affordable Housing Waiver would apply and should the applicant wish to utilise it, no affordable housing would be required as part of the development, should the application be submitted before 30 June 2020 and determined prior to 31 December 2020.  Otherwise the usual 25% requirement would apply.


Mr Ferguson explained that as part of the application, the applicant had been advised that the following information would need to accompany the formal submission:-

  • Location plan
  • Site plan (existing and proposed)
  • Elevations (existing and proposed)
  • Contextual Street Elevations (existing and proposed)
  • Floor plans (existing and proposed)
  • Design and Access Statement
  • Planning Statement
  • Pre-Application Consultation
  • Drainage Plans and Statement
  • Townscape Impact Assessment
  • Tree Survey/Arboricultural Impact Assessment/ Tree Protection Plan
  • Bat Survey
  • Daylight/ Overshadowing Assessment
  • Transport Assessment
  • Refuse Plan
  • Swept Plan Analysis
  • Photographic Survey (Archaeology)


Finally, Mr Ferguson provided details on the drop in event which was held on 10 October 2019 from 4 -7.30pm at Greyfriars House, which had the three proposed options on display for members of the public to examine and provide feedback.


The Forum then heard from Sam Rosenkranz, Telereal Trillium, Marshall Inglis – CDA (Architects) and Richard Slipper, Planning Consultant.  Claire Crawford, Savills and Nick Saunders CDA, were also available to answer questions on the proposals. 


Mr Rosenkranz explained that they had been handed back the government building as it was no longer in use from the DVLA and had been on the open market for two years without any significant interest to buy.  As a result they had decided to apply for a change of use for the building and looked at various options.  Mr Slipper advised that they were keen to deliver this project and to repurpose the site and to embark on city living.  He noted there would be challenges in delivering the proposal and highlighted the positive benefit of the Affordable Housing Waiver.  Mr Slipper also explained that they hoped to deliver the project by 2021 and aimed to meet with the City Centre Community Council and also the George Street Community Council in due course to discuss the proposals. 


The Forum then heard from Marshall Inglis who provided details on the three various proposals.  Mr Inglis explained that CDA Architects had a history and positive experience of delivering housing schemes in various city centres and they aimed to respect the history of the Gallowgate and highlighted that the visual amenity of the site would be very important.  He explained that they would pay attention to the city centre masterplan, although it was outwith the boundary of the city centre masterplan.  He noted that they had looked at the constraints and opportunities of the site and would retain the original vehicle access.  The three available options were as a result of continuous dialogue with Council officers.


Members then asked a number of questions of both the applicant and the case officer and the following information was noted:-

  • the amount of car parking spaces was still being looked at;
  • there would be electric vehicle charging points available and the number of stations would be determined after an assessment;
  • the housing would be affordable, however they aimed to meet the deadline for the Affordable Housing Waiver;
  • there would be adequate bike provision within the site;
  • the applicant could look at the potential for combined heat and power.
  • the external steps at the Gallowgate were outwith the boundary of the application site, however they were keen to discuss them with the local community and see what could be done to upgrade them.


The report recommended:-

That the Forum –

(a)          Note the key issues identified;

(b)          If necessary, seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)        Identify relevant issues which they would like the applicant to consider and address in any future application.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)            to request that the applicant be asked to submit an archaeology statement along with the final submission;

(ii)          to request that the applicant investigate the potential of combined heat and power for the site;

(iii)         to note that the applicant would discuss the external steps with the local community and look at this area in the workshop that was planned; and

(iv)         to thank the presenters for their informative presentation and to encourage continuing dialogue with Council officers and also local residents.

-       Councillor Boulton, Convener



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