Agenda item

Land South of North Deeside Road, Milltimber, Aberdeen - 191605

Planning Officer:  Gavin Clark


The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Bancon Homes and Dr William Guild’s Managers, for a major residential and retail development with associated infrastructure, access, landscaping, drainage, SUDS and open space, at land south of North Deeside Road, Milltimber Aberdeen, 191605.


The report advised that the application site extended to approximately 11.5 hectares and was located on the southern side of North Deeside Road within the settlement of Milltimber.  The site was bound by North Deeside Road and residential properties to the north, the Deeside Way and open space to the south, and further residential properties set in generous plots to the east and west.  An access road leading to Milltimber Farm Livery Stables also ran through the site.


The report also stated that the site was largely grassed but did include some elements of planting and the site sloped from the north-south as it headed towards the Dee Valley.  There were also a number of boundary treatments, which included post-and-wire fencing to its northern boundary. 


The report also advised that a previous proposal of application notice was submitted in May 2017 for a proposed mix-use development, which was presented to the Pre Application Forum on 21 September 2017.


The Forum heard from Gavin Clark, Senior Planning Officer, who addressed the Forum and provided details regarding the planning aspects of the application. 


Mr Clark explained that as part of the application, the applicant had been advised that the following information would need to accompany the formal submission:-

  • Pre Application Consultation report;
  • Design and Access Statement including Visualisations;
  • The Masterplan/Development Framework Document;
  • Noise Impact Assessment;
  • Transport Assessment/Transport Statement;
  • Tree Survey;
  • Bat Survey;
  • Drainage Impact Assessment;
  • Archaeological Survey;
  • Flood Risk Assessment;
  • Phase 1 Habitat Survey;
  • Landscaping and Maintenance Plans;
  • Low and Zero Carbon Buildings and Water Efficiency Statement; and
  • Affordable Housing Delivery Strategy.


The Forum then heard from Ewan MacLean – EMAC planning, Craig Fortheringham, Bancon Homes and Graham Reid – Savills. 


Mr MacLean explained that the second public consultation event was held on 4 December 2019 with the first one held on 4 November.  At the first event there were 66 individuals who signed the register however there were roughly another 40 attendees.  For the second event there were 43 signatures.  Attendees were asked to respond to the team with comments within two weeks.  From the first event, 31 responses had been received so far.  Mr MacLean advised that all views would be considered.


In regards to the proposal, Mr McLean explained that the site was allocated as a development opportunity in the Aberdeen Local Development Plan for mixed use, including residential with an element of business or retail use. 


In regards to the main differences from the original submission in 2017, Mr MacLean advised that they restarted the design process with a holistic approach, through the masterplanning of all areas of the land within the allocation boundary over which development was proposed.


Mr MacLean explained that to impose too tight a description on the proposals at this stage would potentially prejudice the flexibility in the design process and he advised that instead they would allow the design process to evolve and to fully consider the factors which could impact on design through the Planning Permission in Principle and the masterplan process.


Mr MacLean advised that a two-access strategy would be required with separate accesses serving the residential and retail areas.  An internal emergency access connection would be provided which could also serve as an internal pedestrian/cycle connection between the residential and retail areas.  Additional internal footways and footpaths would ensure that the development had direct access to the Deeside Way, whilst also providing further linkage to the retail proposals.


In regards to feedback from the first public event, Mr MacLean advised that the majority of feedback did not want to see traffic lights at the site entrances to the development.  However there would be a right turn lane ghost island on North Deeside Road, which omitted the requirement of traffic lights and would avoid traffic queuing up on North Deeside Road. 


Finally Mr MacLean explained that a pedestrian crossing facility would be provided at an appropriate location to cater for pedestrian movements between the site and the existing Milltimber community and this would ensure safe crossing at North Deeside Road for the existing Milltimber community accessing the retail facility and for children from the new development routing to/from Milltimber primary school.


Members then asked a number of questions of both the applicant and the case officer and the following information was noted:-

  • In regards to construction vehicles, they would come from North Deeside Road;
  • All comments from the public should be fed back to the agent at this stage and only to Aberdeen City Council after the application was submitted;
  • In regards to access there would not be traffic light junctions, in order to prevent traffic from building up and there would be filtered lanes instead.


The report recommended:-

That the Forum –

(a)          Note the key issues identified;

(b)          If necessary, seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)        Identify relevant issues which they would like the applicant to consider and address in any future application.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)            to request that the applicant consider the landscaping of the site and to preserve the views of the area;

(ii)          to request that the applicant consider HGV’s entering the retail element of the site and how this would impact on traffic movement on North Deeside Road;

(iii)         to request that the applicant consider the different types of housing that would be suitable for the site, and to investigate cottage style housing as well as older people’s housing;

(iv)         to request that the applicant investigate the possibility of building more trees in the development;

(v)          to request that the applicant consider liaising with the archaeology service in regards to the historic importance of the site;

(vi)         to request that the applicant consider the impact the retail element would have on the local shops in Cults and Milltimber and to continue to liaise with local businesses;

(vii)        to request that the applicant continue to fully engage with the local residents in regards to this site/application; and

(viii)       to thank the presenters for their informative presentation and to encourage continuing dialogue with Council officers and also local residents.


Supporting documents: