Agenda item

Performance Report - EP1/10/216


With reference to article 8 of the minute of the meeting of the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 7 September, 2010, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which provided an update on the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure key performance measures and progress of improvement work against the priorities for the Service, which consisted of two sections, namely (1) a highlight report by the Director; and (2) a summary report detailing the key performance indicators and improvement actions identified to measure the performance and progress of each priority up to 31 August, 2010. 


The report explained that in accordance with the decision of the Corporate Policy and Performance Committee of 29 April, 2010 (article 6 refers) a consolidated performance report would be presented to the Committee on a quarterly basis. The report pulled together all the Service’s Plan Priorities (Priorities 1 to 6) and within each of these groups the actions and relevant key performance measures. A section entitled ‘Management Information – Key Performance Indicators’ which presented performance measures that did not fall under the 6 priorities within the Service Business Plan but still required to be reported to Committee e.g. absence monitoring had been included. 


In terms of the revised format, it was highlighted that it should be viewed as ‘work in progress’ as the current priorities might be subject to change in the future.  In addition work was currently underway with colleagues in Finance Services to incorporate full financial reporting in the near future. Finally, a review of service risks was also being undertaken; on completion the Service Risk Register would be added to the detail in Appendix 1 and reported to future meetings of the Committee.


On consideration of the report the Committee highlighted and commended the Service for it’s achievement on energy consumption, where a reduction of 14.3% in the level of heat and light consumed within Council owned properties was achieved in comparison with a target of 2%. The Head of Asset Management and Operations provided an overview of the steps which had been undertaken to achieve this.


The Committee also welcomed the detailed narrative and breakdown of figures between short term absence (4.8 days) and long term absence (over 4 weeks) (7.4 days).  The report advised that overall, the service continued to fall short of the Council target of 10 days lost per annum per employee with a current score of 12.2 days. Further analysis of the figures had indicated that although the Service’s score had consistently exceeded the target since April, 2010 this only applied to Asset Management and Operations with all other service areas coming in at less than 10 days.  The Service was now carrying out a more detailed analysis in relation to Asset Management and Operations focussing on categories of sickness, number of short term absences compared to long term absences and additional employee details in order to identify steps the Service might take to improve performance.


The Committee resolved:-

to note the information provided and the performance of the Service to date.

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