Agenda item

hub North Territory - Appointment of a Private Sector Development Partner and establishment of hubco - EPI/10/259




            The Convener declared an interest in the subject matter of the following article as a Board member of NHS Grampian.  The Convener considered it necessary to leave the meeting during the Committee’s deliberations on the matter.


At this juncture, the Vice Convener took the Chair.




With reference to article 32 of the minute of the meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee of 28 September, 2010, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which informed of the selection of a preferred Private Sector Development Partner, by the North Territory hub Programme Board to join with the eighteen North Territory hub Participants (Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Argyll and Bute Council, Comhairle nan Eilean Sar, Grampian Fire and Rescue Service, Grampian Police, The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Services, The Moray Council, NHS Grampian, NHS Highland, NHS Orkney, NHS Shetland, NHS Western Isles, Northern Constabulary, Orkney Island Council, Scottish Ambulance Service and Shetland Islands Council)and the Scottish Futures Trust to establish hubco for the North Territory; and sought approval of Alba Community Partnership as the Private Sector Development Partner; the establishment of hubco; the investment of equity and the provision of working capital to hubco; and the appointment of a B Shareholders’ Director on the Board of hubco and other representatives all as detailed in this report.


The report provided a detailed overview of the ‘hub’ programme which was being developed by the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) on behalf of the Scottish Government, as a means of improving the planning, procurement and delivery of infrastructure in support of community services. 


Thereafter, the report advised of the procurement process undertaken and the evaluation utilised. Following, evaluation, it was advised that the hub North Territory Programme Board at its meeting held on 29 October, 2010, approved the selection of Alba Community Partnership as the preferred bidder to become the Private Sector Development Partner.

With regards next steps, it was advised that the Project Plan, agreed by the hub North Territory Programme Board, sets out the next steps to signature of the Territory Partnering Agreement.


Appended to the report was:- (1) Procurement Process and Evaluation Report; (2) Corporate Governance; (3) Summary of Territory Partnering Agreement - Summary of Shareholders Agreement - Summary of Participants Agreement  - Pricing and Value for Money; and (4) North hub Territory Map


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         the selection of Alba Community Partnership as the private sector development partner in hubco as recommended by the North Territory Programme Board;

(ii)        the establishment of hubco, the investment in hubco shareholding of £1 and the provision of working capital of £15,000 [£270,000/18] by Participants) ;

(iii)       the execution of the Territory Partnering Agreement, Shareholders Agreement and Participants’ Agreement, summary details of which were narrated in Appendix 3 to the report, by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services subject to the resolution of final clarifications and agreements;

(iv)       the appointment of Mr Gerry Donald, Chair of the programme Board as the B Shareholders’ Director on the Board of hubco;

(v)        confirmation of appointment of the Territory hub Programme Director as the B Shareholders’ Representative and Participants’ Representative under and in terms of the Participants’ Agreement with delegated authority to take any action, grant any approval or consent or sign any notice required in terms of the Shareholders Agreement and Territory Partnering Agreement;

(vi)       the appointment of  the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure as Aberdeen City Council’s representative on the Territory Partnering Board with delegated authority to make any decisions on its behalf which required to be taken by the Territory Partnering Board pursuant to its constitution; and

(vii)      to note the Territory Delivery Plan.