Agenda item

Land to the South and West of Deeside Brae - Leggart Brae - 200638


The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on a submission of a Proposal of Application Notice by Savills on behalf of their client Comer Homes, for a major residential development of up to 150 residential units with associated landscaping, parking and infrastructure at land to the south and west of Deeside Brae Aberdeen. 


The report advised that the site comprised an area of greenfield land to the south and west of the Deeside Brae housing development and was locally known as Leggart Brae.  The Den of Leggart ran through the central and northern section of the 10.5 hectare site which was bound to the east by the A92, to the north by the Deeside Brae housing development, to the west by the ‘Causey Mounth’ minor road and to the south by open fields.  The site also straddled the Aberdeen City Council administrative boundary with Aberdeenshire Council which ran through and to the west of the Den of Leggart and formed the western boundary of the southern half of the site.


The report also explained that the area of the site that lay within the Aberdeen City boundary was allocated as an opportunity site (OP46) for up to 150 houses in the Proposed Aberdeen Local Development Plan which was approved at Full Council on 2 March 2020.


The report advised that the application was for a major residential development within the Aberdeen City Council boundary for up to 150 houses with associated landscaping, parking and infrastructure.  The report explained that full details of the proposals were not yet known as the site layout and design were still being developed, although three indicative options for the site layout and accesses were shown on the applicant’s dedicated website.


The Forum heard from Scott Leitch, Team Leader, Development Management, who addressed the Forum and provided details regarding the planning aspects of the application. 


Mr Leitch explained that as part of the application, the applicant had been advised that the following information would need to accompany the formal submission:-

  • Location Plan;
  • Site Plan (Existing and Proposed);
  • Dwelling Elevations (Existing and Proposed);
  • Contextual Street Elevations;
  • Topographical Survey (Existing and Proposed);
  • Design and Access Statement;
  • Flood Risk Assessment;
  • Drainage Impact Assessment;
  • Landscape Visual Impact Assessment;
  • Noise Impact Assessment;
  • Air Quality Impact Assessment;
  • Draft Construction Environmental Management Plan;
  • Ecological and Habitats Survey;
  • Transport Assessment;
  • Tree Survey, Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Tree Protection Plan;
  • Archaeological Survey; and
  • Landscaping and Maintenance Plan.


The Forum then heard from the applicant/agent and the presenters were as follows:-

Angus Dodds – Savills

Kevin Moir – Goodsons

Des Twomey – Plus Architecture

Jack O’Brien – Comer Homes.


Mr O’Brien began the presentation by giving a background to Comer Homes and noted how they specialised in high quality housing and would like to start a new legacy of development in the north east of Scotland.


Mr Dodds explained how they had made a submission to the Proposed Local Development Plan for the site and noted how the site straddled the two authorities, with applications required with both Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council.  Mr Dodds also advised that due to COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings and social distancing requirements, an online public consultation event was undertaken on a dedicated website for the proposed development on Thursday 6 August between 4pm and 8pm.  The application team and the project team were available to discuss and respond to queries regarding the proposals via a virtual question and answer session.  Various options for the site layout of the development and how it could be accessed were on display on the website for a week prior to the online event.  Mr Dodds noted that they were pleased to receive responses to the consultation. 


Mr Twomey advised that they were looking to protect the local legacy of Aberdeen and were looking at the use of granite and the other materials to be used carefully.  They were also carefully considering the protection of the Den of Leggart, as well as looking at how they could prevent a rat run occurring through the development.


Members then asked a number of questions of both the applicant and the case officer and the following information was noted:-

  • In regard to the affordable housing aspect of the application, they were looking at onsite provision and the design showed affordable housing being incorporated into the site, however work was still ongoing in relation to this aspect, following the consultation;
  • Fibre broadband would be provided to the new build units;
  • The mitigation of flooding was included in the design of the development;
  • There was no proposal at present to incorporate a shop to the development and there was easy access to the facilities at Kincorth;
  • It was envisaged that the local schools would be Abbotswell Primary and Lochside Academy;
  • Garthdee Medical Practice would be the closest medical facility and any impact on services for education, health care etc would be looked at by the developer obligation team and included in the developer obligation payment;
  • In term of accessibility to leisure facilities at Garthdee, it was noted that Comer Homes would be willing to work with the Council in future for the development of walking and cycling routes, however the size of this proposed development meant it could not be justified as part of this proposed development; and
  • Comer Homes would remain as a stakeholder in the development if it was to be developed and would take care of the maintenance of the development.


The report recommended:-

That the Forum –

(a)             Note the key issues identified;

(b)             If necessary, seek clarification on any particular matters; and

(c)       Identify relevant issues which they would like the applicant to consider and address in any future application.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)               to request that the applicant consider the key points above; and

(ii)              to thank the presenters for their informative presentation and to encourage continuing dialogue with Council officers and also local residents.

-         Councillor Marie Boulton, Convener


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