Agenda item

Land East of Falkland Avenue, Cove, Aberdeen - 200584

Planning Reference – 200584


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Planning Officer:  Gavin Evans


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That there be a willingness to approve the application for detailed planning permission for a residential development of 167 dwellings with associated infrastructure, subject to conditions and subject to the conclusion of a legal agreement securing payment of developer obligations and ensuring that the development was delivered exclusively as affordable housing.




1.     Glazing and Ventilation Details


No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless details of the glazing and ventilation details to be provided on the east facades of the blocks of flats has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority, with a view to demonstrating suitable mitigation from railway noise for residents. Once approved, no residential unit requiring such mitigation shall be occupied unless all the approved glazing and ventilation has been installed in the relevant residential unit. The approved glazing and ventilation shall thereafter be retained in perpetuity.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed development provides suitable amenity for future residents of the site.


2.     Access Junctions


No unit within the development hereby approved shall be occupied until one of the access junctions shown in drawing A1-00-01-REV G has been fully constructed and made available for use. No more than 50 units within the development hereby approved shall be occupied until a second means of access has been provided for emergency access purposes. The details of any such emergency access shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority prior to its formation.  Thereafter, no more than 100 units within the development hereby approved shall be occupied until both access junctions shown in drawing A1-00-01-REV G have been fully constructed and made available for use.


Reason: To ensure that the approved access junctions are delivered at an appropriate point to facilitate access to the development.


3.     Connection to remaining land within OP58 Stationfields


No development pursuant to this grant of Planning Permission shall be undertaken unless a scheme for the provision of a vehicular connection from the road network within the application site to the remainder of the OP58 Stationfields site has been submitted to and approved by the planning authority.


The requisite scheme shall include:

(a)  a vehicular connection and pedestrian footpath to an adoptable standard from the road network through the application site to the remaining portion of OP58 lying to the north;

(b)  phasing and other arrangements for provision of the vehicular connection and pedestrian footpath to the relevant legal boundaries of the application site;

(c)   and will include, that no works beyond completion of the 100th unit will be undertaken unless the vehicular connection and pedestrian footpath are taken to the relevant legal boundaries of the application site.


Thereafter, no development shall occur otherwise than in full accordance with the agreed scheme.


Reason: in order to ensure the delivery of key road infrastructure and to ensure that the development of the wider OP58 Stationfields site is not precluded.


4.     Dust Management


No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless the following has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority in consultation with Environmental Health;

(a)  An Air Quality (Dust) Risk Assessment which is to be carried out by a suitably qualified consultant. The assessment will predict likely site preparation works and construction dust levels and impact on air quality including determination of its significance.

(b)  A Dust Management Plan which shall detail the necessary dust control measures (based on the results of the aforementioned Risk Assessment.)


Once approved no development shall take place unless all measures are being implemented in line with the approved Dust Management Plan.


Reason: In order to ensure suitable amenity for the surrounding residential properties.


5.     Materials


No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless a sample and details (including the specification and colour) of all the materials/roofs/walls/windows/doors/garage doors/rainwater goods to be used in the external finishes of the approved development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The development shall not be occupied unless the external finishes have been applied in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the development and the visual amenities of the area.


6.     Fencing Eastern Boundary


No residential unit hereby approved shall be occupied unless details of a suitable trespass proof fence, measuring at least 1.8m in height, to be erected along the eastern boundary adjacent to the Network Rail boundary, along with details of the fence’s future maintenance, has been submitted to and approved in writing with the planning authority. Once erected, the fence shall thereafter be permanently retained and maintained in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of the residential amenity and safety of the occupiers.


7.     Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP)


No works in connection with the development hereby approved (including demolition, ground works and vegetation clearance) shall commence unless a CEMP has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The CEMP shall address following issues:

(a)            Pollution prevention;

(b)            Sediment management;

(c)             Environmental incidents; and

(d)            Waste Management


Details of the following should also be included:

(a)            Risk assessment of potentially damaging construction activities;

(b)            Practical measures (both physical measures and sensitive working practices) to avoid or reduce impacts during construction (may be provided as a set of method statements);

(c)             The location and timing of sensitive works to avoid harm to biodiversity features;

(d)            The times during construction when specialist ecologists need to be present on site to oversee works;

(e)            Responsible persons and lines of communication;

(f)              The role and responsibilities on site of an ecological clerk of works (ECoW) or similarly competent person; and

(g)            Use of protective fences, exclusion barriers and warning signs.


No work during the construction period shall be undertaken unless strictly in accordance with the approved CEMP.


Reason: In the interests of protecting the biodiversity of the environment.


8.     Environmental Enhancements


No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless a scheme of environmental enhancements including a timescale for their implementation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority in consultation with the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency. These shall be in line with Section 3 of SEPA’s consultation response PCS/171516 dated 09 06 20. Once approved the scheme shall be implemented in full and in accordance with the approved timescale.


Reason: To ensure the offset of environmental impacts and contribute to and enhance the natural environment and support Policy D1 Quality Placemaking by Design.


9.     Breeding Birds


No removal of hedgerows, trees or shrubs or site clearance shall take place between 1st March and 31st August inclusive, unless a detailed check of the site for active birds’ nests has been undertaken and written confirmation has been submitted to the planning authority that no birds will be harmed and that there are appropriate measures in place to protect nesting bird interest  on the site. The check shall be undertaken no later than 14 days before the commencement of the development and no site clearance or other works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless the written confirmation and protection measures have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The development shall not be carried other than in accordance with the approved protection measures.


Reason: In the interest of safeguarding the habitat of local bird species.


10.Landscaping Scheme


No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless a scheme of hard and soft landscaping works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Details of the scheme shall include:

a)    Existing landscape features and vegetation to be retained;

b)    Protection measures for the landscape features to be retained;

c)     Existing and proposed finished levels;

d)    The location of new trees, shrubs, hedges and grassed areas;

e)    A schedule of planting to comprise species, plant sizes and proposed numbers and density;

f)      The location, design and materials of all hard landscaping works including walls, fences, gates, street furniture and play equipment (to include a minimum of 4no items of play equipment in the central open space shown on drawing No. A1-00-01-REV G). This shall also include appropriate provision for the use of downtakings from the dry-stone wall along the western site boundary to the Coast Road to be re-used in the formation of boundary enclosures elsewhere on-site;

g)    An indication of existing trees, shrubs and hedges to be removed;

h)    A programme for the implementation, completion and subsequent management of the proposed landscaping.


All soft and hard landscaping proposals shall be carried out in accordance with the approved planting scheme and management programme. Any planting which, within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development, in the opinion of the planning authority is dying, being severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased, shall be replaced by plants of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted. Once provided, all hard landscaping works shall thereafter be permanently retained.


Reason: To ensure the implementation and management of a satisfactory scheme of landscaping which will help to integrate the proposed development into the local landscape in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.


11.Waste Provision


Prior to the occupation of the first unit, details of the waste provision, including the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing with the planning authority.

a)              Detailed information outlining where each dwelling will present their bins; and

b)              An outline of which bin stores are designated for use by specific flats.


No building within the development hereby approved shall be occupied unless the accompanying waste storage and collection facilities outlined in the relevant submissions have been delivered for that building and thereafter those facilities shall be retained in perpetuity.


Reason: In the interest of providing appropriate waste facilities for each of the approved units.


12.Surface Water Drainage


No residential unit hereby approved shall be occupied unless the proposed surface water drainage systems have been provided in accordance with the approved plans and the Drainage Assessment (Issue 5), prepared by Fairhurst, dated April 2020. The surface water drainage systems shall be permanently retained thereafter in accordance with the approved maintenance scheme.


Reason: In order to ensure that adequate drainage facilities are provided, and retained, in the interests of the amenity of the area.


13.Car, Cycle and Motorcycle Parking


None of the buildings hereby granted planning permission shall be occupied unless the car, cycle and motorcycle parking areas relevant to that plot and hereby granted planning permission have been constructed, drained, laid-out and demarcated in accordance with drawing No. A1-00-01- REV G of the plans hereby approved or such other drawing as may subsequently be submitted and approved in writing by the planning authority. Such areas shall not thereafter be used for any other purpose other than the purpose of the parking of cars ancillary to the development and use thereby granted approval - in the interests of public safety and the free flow of traffic.


14.Electric Vehicle Charge Points


No works in connection with the residential development hereby approved shall commence unless details of the required Electric Vehicle Charge points, including the two active and two passive points and a timescale for implementation, have been submitted to and approved in writing with the planning authority. This shall include details of the delivery of the Charge Points, relative to the phasing of the residential development. Details of ducting for other spaces is also required.  Once approved, the provision as detailed within the approved submissions shall be implemented in accordance with the specified timescale and retained in perpetuity.


Reason: In order to provide the appropriate provision for sustainable means of travel.


15.Residential Travel Pack


No unit within the development shall be occupied unless a residential travel pack, aimed at encouraging use of modes of transport other than the private car, has first been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority. Thereafter no individual unit shall be occupied unless the approved Residential Travel Pack has been provided to the unit in question.


Reason - In order to encourage use of more sustainable modes of transport.


16.Carbon Reduction and Water Efficiency


No building hereby granted planning permission shall be occupied unless an Energy Statement and Water Efficiency Statement applicable to that building has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority, and thereafter any measures agreed within that submission have been implemented in full.

The Energy Statement shall include the following items:

·       Full details of the proposed energy efficiency measures and/or renewable technologies to be incorporated into the development;

·       Calculations using the SAP or SBEM methods which demonstrate that the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions rates for the development, arising from the measures proposed, will enable the development to comply with Policy R7 of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017.


The Water Efficiency Statement shall include details of all proposed water saving technologies and techniques, along with evidence that the required Building Standards Sustainability Label for domestic buildings has been achieved.


Reason: to ensure this development complies with the on-site carbon reductions required in Scottish Planning Policy, Policy R7 of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 and Aberdeen City Council’s ‘Resources for New Development’ Supplementary Guidance.


17.Full-Fibre Broadband


No unit shall be occupied unless a scheme for the provision of a full fibre broadband connection to each flat for that phase or block has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Thereafter the scheme shall be implemented as approved and all flats provided with a full fibre broadband connection.


Reason: in order to provide all flats with access to high-speed communications infrastructure, in accordance with the requirements of Policy CI1 (Digital Infrastructure) of the ALDP.


The Committee heard from Gavin Evans, Senior Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the application and answered various questions from members.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree to add an extra informative note as below;

(ii)             to agree to reword condition 10, listed below; and

(iii)      to otherwise approve the application as per the recommendation.



Secured by Design Award Attention is drawn to the consultation response from Police Scotland's Architectural Liaison Officer, which strongly encourages the applicants to seek the 'Secured by Design' award in order to demonstrate that safety and security have been proactively considered and that the development will achieve high standards in these respects.


Secured by Design' (SBD) is a police initiative to encourage the building industry to adopt crime prevention measures in development design to assist in reducing the opportunity for crime and the fear of crime, creating a safer and more secure environment. 'Secured by Design' is endorsed by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and has the backing of the Home Office Crime Reduction Unit. It has been drawn up in consultation with the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR, formerly DTLR).



No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless a scheme of hard and soft landscaping works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority.


Details of the scheme shall include:


a)              Existing landscape features and vegetation to be retained.

b)              Protection measures for the landscape features to be retained.

c)               Existing and proposed finished levels.

d)              The location of new trees, shrubs, hedges and grassed areas.

e)              A schedule of planting to comprise species, plant sizes and proposed numbers and density.

f)                The location, design and materials of all hard landscaping works including walls, fences, gates, street furniture and play equipment (to include a minimum of 4no items of play equipment in the central open space shown on drawing No. A1-00-01-REV G). This shall also include (i) appropriate provision for the use of downtakings from the dry-stone wall along the western site boundary to the Coast Road to be re-used in the formation of boundary enclosures elsewhere on-site and (ii) specific details to demonstrate planting and/or boundary enclosures to safeguard amenity at East Lynne from adverse impact associated with use of the neighbouring area of car parking.

g)              An indication of existing trees, shrubs and hedges to be removed; and

h)              A programme for the implementation, completion and subsequent management of the proposed landscaping.


All soft and hard landscaping proposals shall be carried out in accordance with the approved planting scheme and management programme. Any planting which, within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development, in the opinion of the planning authority is dying, being severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased, shall be replaced by plants of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted. Once provided, all hard landscaping works shall thereafter be permanently retained.


Reason: To ensure the implementation and management of a satisfactory scheme of landscaping which will help to integrate the proposed development into the local landscape in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.


Supporting documents: