Agenda item

Land at Craibstone North and Walton Farm Aberdeen - 210146

Planning Reference – 210146


All documents associated with this application can be found at the following link and enter the refence number above:-




Planning Officer:  Aoife Murphy


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, which recommended:-


That there be a willingness to approve the application conditionally, subject to the conclusion of a Legal Agreement to ensure payment of developer obligations.  The application is for detailed planning permission for the erection of a food hub innovation facility with access, parking, landscaping and associated works at land at Craibstone north and Walton Farm, Aberdeen, 210146.




1.     Materials


No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless details, including the specification and colour of the walls, to be used in the external finish for the approved development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The development shall not be brought into use unless the external finish has been applied in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the development and the visual amenities of the



2.     Junction Upgrade


The development hereby approved shall not be brought into use unless full and finalised details of the proposed upgrades to the A96 / Walton Road junction have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority and implemented in accordance with the details thereby



Reason: To ensure the existing access is adequately upgraded and can accommodate the level of traffic associated with this development.


3.     Public Footpath


The development hereby approved shall not be brought into use unless full details of the upgrades to the public footpath along the southern site boundary, which has been designed in accordance with the Council’s Standards, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning

authority and implemented in accordance with these details. The upgraded footpath shall be permanently retained thereafter.


Reason: To ensure safe access for pedestrians to existing public infrastructure.


4.     Internal Footpaths


The development hereby approved shall not be brought into use unless full details of the internal footpaths within the application site boundary, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority and implemented in accordance with the details. Thereafter the internal

footpaths shall be permanently retained.


Reason: To ensure safe access and movement for pedestrians and cyclists.


5.     Electric Vehicular Charging Points


No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless details of the electric vehicular charging points within the car park have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Thereafter, the development shall not be brought into use until the

electric vehicular charging points are implemented in accordance with the details thereby approved. The electric vehicular charging points shall be permanently retained and maintained to the specifications in the referred to approved details.


Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate charging points within the site.


6.     Travel Plan


Within 6 months of the date the building hereby approved being brought into use a Travel Plan for that building shall be submitted to the planning authority for approval. The Travel Plan shall:

·       encourage more sustainable means of travel and shall include mode share targets;

·       identify the measures to be implemented, the system of management monitoring review, reporting, and the duration of the incorporated measures designed to encourage modes other than the private car.


Once approved the measures set out in the Travel Plan shall be implemented and permanently retained thereafter.


Reason: In the interests of encouraging a more sustainable means of travel to and from the proposed development.


7.     Landscaping Scheme


No works in connection with the development hereby approved shall commence unless a scheme of hard, soft and water landscaping works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority in consultation with Aberdeen Airport. Details of the scheme shall include the

following and shall be in accordance with the Airport Operations Association, Safeguarding of Aerodromes - Advice Note 3:

a)    Existing landscape features and vegetation to be retained.

b)    Protection measures for the landscape features to be retained.

c)     Existing and proposed finished levels.

d)    An indication of existing trees to be removed as a result of the upgrades to Walton Road and its junction with the A96.

e)    An indication of existing shrubs and hedges to be removed.

f)      The location of new trees, including compensatory planting to replace those lost as a result of the upgrades to Walton Road and its junction with the A96, shrubs, hedges grassed areas and water features.

g)    A schedule of planting to comprise species, plant sizes and proposed numbers and density.

h)    The location, design and materials of all hard landscaping works including the courtyard area.

i)       A programme for the implementation, completion and subsequent management of the proposed landscaping.


All landscaping proposals shall be carried out in accordance with the approved planting scheme and management programme. Any planting which, within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development, in the opinion of the planning authority is dying, being severely damaged or

becoming seriously diseased, shall be replaced by plants of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted. Once provided, all hard landscaping works shall thereafter be permanently retained.


Reason: To avoid endangering the safe movement of aircraft and operation of Aberdeen Airport through the attraction of birds and an increase in the bird hazard risk of the application site and to ensure the implementation and management of a satisfactory scheme of landscaping which will

help to integrate the proposed development into the local landscape in the interests of the visual amenity of the area.


8.     Energy Statement and Water Efficiency


The building hereby approved shall not be erected unless an Energy Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. The Energy Statement shall include

the following items:

a)    Full details of the proposed energy efficiency measures and/or renewable technologies to be incorporated into the development; and

b)    Calculations using the SAP or SBEM methods which demonstrate that the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions rates for the development, arising from the measures proposed, will enable the development to comply with Policy R7 of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017.


Details of all water saving technologies and techniques within the proposed development must also be submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority.  Thereafter, the development shall not be occupied unless it has been constructed in full accordance with the approved details in the Energy Statement and the carbon reduction measures and water saving technologies and techniques are in place and fully operational.


Reason: to ensure this development complies with the on-site carbon reductions required in Scottish Planning Policy and Policy R7 of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017.


9.     Full Fibre Broadband


That the development hereby approved shall not be brought into use unless a scheme for the provision of a full fibre broadband connection for the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Thereafter the scheme shall be implemented as



Reason: In order to provide the development with access to high-speed communications infrastructure, in accordance with the requirements of Policy CI1 (Digital Infrastructure) of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan.


10.Surface Water Drainage


The development hereby approved shall not be brought into use unless the proposed surface water drainage system has been provided in accordance with the approved plans and the Drainage Strategy prepared by Curtins, dated December 2020, unless otherwise agreed with the planning authority. The surface water drainage system shall be permanently retained thereafter in accordance with the approved maintenance scheme.


Reason: In order to ensure that adequate drainage facilities are provided, and retained, in the interests of the amenity of the area.


11.Waste Management


That the development hereby approved shall not be brought into use until full details of the waste/recycling bin storage areas have been submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. Once approved, the development shall not be occupied unless the storage area has been provided in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure that suitable provision is made for the storage of recycling, food waste and residual waste bins.


The Committee heard from Aoife Murphy, Senior Planner, who spoke in furtherance of the application and answered various questions from members.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.

Supporting documents: