Agenda item

Access from the North - An Integrated Transport Solution Delivery Plan - EPI/10/250


With reference to article 19 of the minute of meeting of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of 26 November, 2009, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which details the programme for the implementation of the “sustainable transport solutions to improve access to and from the north of the City, supporting national, regional and local policy objectives for modal shift and reduced levels of car use”, proposals.


The report advised that the delivery plan, which took into account the impacts of all major infrastructure changes to the north of the city, had been compiled to ensure that all relevant actions in association with the schemes were developed and delivered within a realistic timescale and a focussed delivery programme. In order to implement the schemes effectively they had been grouped into corridor or mode types, called ‘project groupings’. This should achieve maximum benefit for users and value for money for Aberdeen City Council. A summary of the groupings was provided and a table for the delivery of these projects is show in Appendix A.  In addition, the schemes had been identified for short, medium and long term delivery. Where possible this timescale related to the major elements of infrastructure improvement which they were to support.


It was also advised that some of the proposed schemes could be delivered most effectively as part of the major projects. The schemes had been removed from the delivery plan for clarity and were listed separately in Appendix B.  Since the original list of projects was reported to this Committee in November 2009, some works had been undertaken and projects had been implemented or similar schemes installed, the full list of projects completed to date, or by the end of this financial year was included in Appendix C and this helps to highlight the integration of this project with the various priorities of the Council. Finally, the report advised that further investigation of the schemes from the full list highlighted some proposals which might conflict with other Council priorities, that were being actioned within other sections of the Council or had been shown to not provide a ‘value for money’ proposal for the Council.  These schemes had now been removed from the list and had been compiled in Appendix D.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       agree, in principle, the provisional programme for delivery of the ‘Access from the North’ integrated transport proposals;

(b)       instruct officers to continue discussions with BEAR and Transport Scotland regarding options on the trunk road network;

(c)        instruct officers to progress schemes from the full delivery list as priority and funding would permit, subject to consultation and referral to future Committees as required; and

(d)       to instruct officers to keep the Committee up to date with progress of the delivery plan as timescales might be amended subject to agreement of future years spend profiles of the Non-Housing Capital budget and other relevant sources of funding.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice-Convener, moved:-

that the recommendations be approved.


As an amendment, Councillor Allan, seconded by Councillor Crockett, moved:-

            that no action be taken.


On a division, there voted:-  for the motion (11) – the Convener;  the Vice-Convener;  and Councillors Boulton, Clark, Cormie, Greig, Jaffrey, McCaig, Milne, Penny,  and Kevin Stewart;  for the amendment (3) – Councillors Adam, Allan, and Crockett.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.

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