Agenda item

Car Parking Charges 2011-2013 - EPI/11/038


With reference to article 19 of the minute of the meeting of Council of 15 December, 2010, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure which sought approval to implement the revised car parking charges for 2011 – 2013, as well as for the introduction of a mobile telephone payment system for off-street car parks and agreement to begin a “pay and display” machine replacement programme.   Finally, in respect of charges for the removal, storage and disposal of vehicles, and the charges for the release of vehicles from immobilisation devices, approval was also sought.


The report advised that the Council had agreed the action to increase car parking trading account income by £1.9m over the five year period.   In line with this, three main charging options had been assessed in making proposals for increasing car parking income for 2011 – 2013.   The current charges along with the proposed revised charges were detailed at Appendix A to the report.


The report presented three options, namely:-


Option A - Maintain current charges


This option along with current levels of customer demand would result in a projected decrease income to the Council of £45,000 in 2011/2012 alone.   It was recommended that this option be dismissed because it would not result in increased income as required to meet the income generation detailed within the five year business plan.   Furthermore, it would not provide funds for replacement “pay and display” machines.  


Option B  - Mainly applying a 10% increase to current charges (in rounding charges up to the nearest 10p)


Calculations have taken account of anticipated decline in customer demand due to increased charges, increased VAT and the closing of St. Nicholas House car park.   Using this charging model the projected income would be £150,000.   This increase was insufficient to enable achievement of the five year business plan income generation of £658,000.   This option included increasing the cost of residents’ permits by 10% from 2011, however, it was highlighted that applying this increase would take considerable time and was undesirable given the substantial increases to residents’ permits in 2009.


Option C - Economy pricing approach (with premium prices applying for on-street parking in the zones in and around the city centre)


The charges had been set to be competitive with privately owned car parks situated around the city centre.   Premium prices, along with shorter maximum stay periods, applied to on-street parking around the city centre to help maximise parking turn-over and therefore increasing the opportunity for subsequent drivers to park.   The revised charges would also introduce a more standardised and simplified tariff structure with incremental increases of £1 applying to most charging bands.   The more standardised approach would remove the price differential between one and two hour parking bays.   Within this option it was proposed that there should be no increase to the cost of residents permits from 2011/2012.   It was advised that anticipated user resistance had been considered and income projections had taken account of potential reduction in customer demand.   There was a significant risk that income targets would not be achieved if customer demand fell more than had been anticipated.   However, this would be monitored through existing budget monitoring processes.   Details of further external factors that created further risks to achieving budget targets was also detailed.   Implementation of the proposed revised charges should increase car parking income by £658,000 in both 2011/2012 and 2012/2013.   These revised charges and the resulting additional income would support the Council to achieve the £1.9m target for increased income in the five year business plan and enable the Council to begin investing in replacement “pay and display” machines.


Thereafter, the report provided an overview of the current position regarding immobilisation, removal, storage and disposal of illegally parked vehicles.   It was proposed that the following charge levels apply with immediate effect:-

Removal of Vehicle  -  £150

            Storage  -  £20 for each period of 24 hours or a part thereof during which the vehicle was in custody of the Council

            Disposal  -  £150


These charges were consistent with those set by other Scottish local authorities which operated a decriminalised parking regime and matched the amounts prescribed by the Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vehicles (Prescribed Sums and Charges) Etc. Regulations 1989, as amended by the Removal Storage and Disposal of Vehicles (Prescribed Sums and Charges, Etc.) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2005.   Similarly, it was also proposed that the charge level for release of a vehicle from an immobilisation devise fixed under Section 69 of the 1991 Act be set, with immediate effect, at £50.  


Finally, the report provided detailed information on the proposed parking “pay and display” machine replacement programme as well as the introduction of the mobile telephone payment system. 


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       approve the revised car parking charges as set out in Option C within Appendix A, said revised charges to take effect from 1 April, 2011, or as soon as practicable thereafter; 

(b)       approve the setting under Section 74 of the Road Traffic Act 1991 (as modified) of the levels of charges proposed in the report for the removal, storage and disposal of vehicles and the release of vehicles from immobilisation devices fixed under Section 69 of the said Act, in relation to the parking area and with immediate effect;

(c)        approve that the Head of Asset Management and Operations might use any Car Parking Trading account surplus above budgeted income for investment in replacement “pay and display” machines during 2011 – 2013;

(d)       approve the implementation of a mobile telephone payment system to operate in relation to off-street car parks;  and

(e)       remit the report to the Finance and Resources Committee on 1 February, 2011, for approval of the revised charges detailed in recommendations (a) and (b) detailed above.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice-Convener, moved:-

that the recommendations as contained in the report be approved, and that the revised charges be reviewed in six months.


As an amendment, Councillor Allan, seconded by Councillor Crockett, moved:-

            that no action be taken .


The Convener having ruled the amendment incompetent, Councillor Allan, seconded by Councillor Crockett, moved as a procedural motion:-

that Standing Order 22(1) be invoked.


On a division, there voted:-  for the procedural motion (5) – Councillors Adam, Allan, Boulton, Crockett, and Milne;  against the procedural motion (9) – the Convener;  the Vice-Convener;  and Councillors Clark, Cormie, Greig, Jaffrey, McCaig, Penny, and Kevin Stewart;


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.

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