Agenda item

External Funding - COM/22/111

Please Note that there are Exempt Appendices Contained within the Exempt Appendices Section of this Agenda Below


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officer - City Growth which sought approval of the allocation of Place Based Investment Programme Funding and Local Authority Covid Economic Recovery Funding; for the submission of an investment plan required to access UK Shared Prosperity Funding; and of the External Funding Plan.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee -


External Funding Plan

(a)           approve the funding plan attached at Appendix 1;


Place Based Investment Programme

(b)           note the funding of £847,000 awarded to Aberdeen City Council by the Scottish Government for the Place Based Investment Programme 22/23;

(c)           allocate up to £38,500 to Aberdeen City Council for the Huberdeen project;

(d)           allocate up to £50,000 to Aberdeen City Council for the Quarry Centre Play Area project;

(e)           allocate up to £100,000 to Aberdeen City Council for The Street Design Project - Woodside Gateway;

(f)             award Castlegate Arts £75,000 for the 2022 Access improvements project;

(g)           award up to £69,400 to Donside Village Community SCIO for the Tillydrone Gateway feature Sculpture Trail project;

(h)           award up to £44,132 to Greyhope Bay for the Greyhope Bay Renewable Power project;

(i)             award up to £11,474 to The Scottish Women’s Institute for the Hub Upgrades project;

(j)             award up to £76,500 to The Kings Community foundation for the Bridge Centre, Torry project;

(k)           award up to £253,981 to Tillydrone Community Development trust SCIO for the Benholms Tower and Gateway project;

(l)             agree that any remaining funds from Place Based Investment Programme 22/23 be allocated to any other approved project which may require additional resources following consultation with the Convener and Vice Convener of the City Growth and Resources Committee;


Local Authority Covid Economic Recovery Fund

(m)         note the funding of £2,865,000 awarded to Aberdeen City Council from the Scottish Government for the Local Authority Covid Economic Recovery Fund (LACER);

(n)           allocate up to £407,589 to Aberdeen City Council for the Hardship Support Programme;

(o)           award up to £20,000 to Aberdeen Foyer for the Cash First Project;

(p)           award up to £37,212 to Aberdeen Foyer for the Financial Inclusion Services project;

(q)           award up to £39,212 to Aberdeen Foyer to the Community Food hub project;

(r)            allocate up to £95,000 to Aberdeen City Council for the Creative Incubator Feasibility study project;

(s)           award up to £1,924,440 to Aberdeen Inspired for the Aberdeen Gift Card project;

(t)             award up to £76,147 to CFine for the Community Pantry project;

(u)           award up to £115,400 to ABERNecessities for the Brighter Future project;

(v)           award up to £150,000 to Gray’s School of Art on behalf of Culture Aberdeen for the use of vacant city centre units for cultural activities project;


UK Shared Prosperity Fund

(w)          note the indicative allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Funding of £7,156,832 to Aberdeen from the UK Government and instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to submit the Investment Plan by 1 August 2022 following consultation with the Convener and Vice Convener of the City Growth and Resources Committee and the Co-Leaders of Aberdeen City Council; and


Just Transition Fund

(x)           note the launch of the Just Transition Fund by the Scottish Government, committing £500m of financing for the North East and Moray over 10 years. Year one allocation of £20m is now open for expressions of interest, with further detail in the External Funding Plan at Appendix 1.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations subject to amending recommendation (w) as follows:-

to note the indicative allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Funding of £7,156,832 to Aberdeen from the UK Government and instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to submit the Investment Plan by 1 August 2022 following consultation with the Convener and Vice Convener of the City Growth and Resources Committee and the Co-Leaders of Aberdeen City Council, after which a service update be provided to committee members providing them with the submission.

Supporting documents: