Agenda item

Appointments to Outside Bodies and Appointment of Conveners and Vice Conveners - COM/22/129


The Council had before it a report by the Chief Officer - Governance which sought appointments or nominations to various outside bodies; sought appointments for Convener and Vice Convener of the Urgent Business Committee; and noted the appointments of the Convener and Vice Convener of the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee.


The report recommended:-

that the Council -

(a)           appoint a Convener and Vice Convener of the Urgent Business Committee;

(b)           note the appointment of Councillors Macdonald and Houghton as Convener and Vice Convener respectively of the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee, and agree that their remuneration as Senior Councillors be backdated to 18 May 2022;

(c)           consider the appointment or nomination (as appropriate) of members to the outside bodies listed in Appendix A, and appoint or nominate members on the basis that names can be provided to the Chief Officer - Governance after the meeting and that he be authorised to finalise the appointments, nominations and memberships where required; and

(d)           note that Robert Gordon’s College Board of Governors and Enterprise North East Trust Limited (trading as Elevator) no longer require elected member representation from Aberdeen City Council.


Councillor Yuill moved, seconded by Councillor Allard:-

          That the Council -

(i)         agree to appoint Councillors Yuill and Nicoll as Convener and Vice Convener respectively of the Urgent Business Committee;

(ii)        note the appointment of Councillors Macdonald and Houghton as Convener and Vice Convener respectively of the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee, and agree that their remuneration as Senior Councillors be backdated to 18 May 2022;

(iii)       agree the appointments and nominations listed in Appendix A and invite groups to provide names to the Chief Officer - Governance after the meeting and that he be authorised to finalise the appointments, nominations and memberships where required;

(iv)      note that Robert Gordon’s College Board of Governors and Enterprise North East Trust Limited (trading as Elevator) no longer require elected member representation from Aberdeen City Council;

(v)        agree to appoint Councillor McLellan as this Council’s representative on the Scottish Joint Council for Local Government Employees;

(vi)      agree to appoint the following Council Spokespersons:

a.          Anti Poverty: Councillor Allard

b.          City Centre: Councillor Hutchison

c.          Culture: Councillor Greig

d.          Inward Migration: Councillor Allard

e.          Mental Health: Councillor Al-Samarai;

(vii)     agree to appoint the following Council Champions:

a.          Disability: Councillor Delaney

b.          Veterans: the Lord Provost; and

(viii)    agree to appoint Councillors Yuill and Hutchison as this Council’s representatives on the Northern Roads Partnership and Councillor Radley and one nominee of the Labour Group as substitute members of the Northern Roads Partnership.


Appendix A



Council Representatives Required



Aberdeen Airport Consultative Committee



4 Local Members

Aberdeen Bulawayo Trust



4 Partnership (Alphonse, Cormie, Davidson and Henrickson)


3 Opposition


Aberdeen City Heritage Trust



2 Partnership (MacGregor and Yuill)

1 Labour

1 Conservative


Aberdeen Endowments Trust



2 Partnership (MacGregor and Mennie)

1 Opposition


Aberdeen Foyer



1 Partnership (Allard)

1 Opposition


Aberdeen Gomel Trust




4 Partnership (Hazel Cameron, Copland, Fairfull and Greig)

1 Conservative

1 Labour


Aberdeen BID Company Ltd (known as Aberdeen Inspired)



No appointment

Aberdeen Lads Club


3 Local Members



Aberdeen Outdoor Access Forum

1 + 1 reserve



1 Partnership (Davidson)

1 Labour reserve

Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group



1 Partnership (Yuill)

Aberdeen Science Centre




1 Partnership (Henrickson)

Alcohol and Drugs Partnership


No appointments


Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE)





1 Partnership (van Sweeden)

Care and Repair Initiative Scotland - Aberdeen Agency





2 Partnership (Cooke and Delaney)

1 Opposition

Champions Board



2 Partnership (Bouse and Mennie)


Citizens Advice Bureau Management Committee




2 Partnership  (Clark and Radley)

1 Opposition


Community Food Initiative North East (CFINE) Board



1 Partnership (Allard)

CPMR - North Sea Commission



1 Partnership (Yuill)

Disabled Persons Housing Service



1 Partnership (Delaney)

East Grampian Coastal Partnership Management Group





1 Partnership (McRae)

1 Labour

Gordon Highlanders Museum Board



3 Partnership (Hazel Cameron, Cooke and Greig)

1 Labour

1 Conservative


Governors of Oakbank School







5 Partnership (Cooke, McLellan, Nicoll, Radley and the Lord Provost)

2 Labour

2 Conservative


Grampian Houston Association



3 Partnership (Clark, Copland and Fairfull)

1 Labour



Grampian Regional Equality Council Ltd (GREC)



1 Partnership (Allard)

1 Opposition

Highland Reserves Forces and Cadets Association




1 Partnership (Alphonse)

KIMO Kommunernes International Miljøorganisation (Local Authorities International Environmental Organisation)




1 Partnership (Yuill)

Macdonald Art Committee




2 Partnership (Greig and Henrickson)

1 Labour

1 Conservative


Marguerite McBey Trust



1 Partnership (Greig)

1 Opposition


Middlefield Community Project Management Committee



3 Local Members

Mitchell’s Hospital Trust



1 Partnership (Alphonse)

1 Opposition


North East Agricultural Advisory Committee






3 Partnership (Clark, MacGregor and van Sweeden)

1 Labour

1 Conservative


North East of Scotland Climate Change Partnership



1 Partnership (Yuill)

North East of Scotland Port Welfare Committee




1 Partnership (McRae)

North East Scotland Fisheries Development Partnership







3 Partnership (Allard, Davidson and Fairfull)

1 Labour


Grampian Society for the Blind, known as North East Sensory Services (NESS)



1 Partnership (Al-Samarai)

Peacock Visual Arts Ltd




Printfield Community Project



1 Partnership (Copland)

1 Labour

Proctor’s Orphanage Trust



3 Partnership (Hazel Cameron, Delaney and van Sweeden)

1 Labour

1 Conservative


Robbs Trust



2 Partnership (Bouse and Cormie)


Robert Nicol Trust



1 Partnership (Greig)

Rubislaw Field Committee



3 Partnership (Cooke, Greig and Nicoll)


Scottish Councils Committee on Radioactive Substances





No appointment

Shopmobility Management Committee





1 Partnership (Delaney)

1 Opposition

Sport Aberdeen


Cooke as Observer


St Machar Parents Support Project




1 Partnership (Hazel Cameron)

Transition Extreme Sports Limited




1 Partnership (Fairfull)

Veterans Champion




Lord Provost

Visit Aberdeenshire



1 Partnership (Radley)

William Harvey Trust





1 Conservative


World Energy Cities Partnership




Lord Provost



Councillor Macdonald moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Houghton:-

          That the Council -

(1)       agrees the recommendations contained within the report;

(2)       notes that Sport Aberdeen is a key ALEO, delivering significant services to the people of Aberdeen and others; agrees to put forward up to three elected members to be co-opted onto the Board; and instructs the Chief Officer - Governance to engage with Sport Aberdeen to secure this outcome; and

(3)       agrees that one member of the Opposition be nominated to Aberdeen BID Company Ltd (known as Aberdeen Inspired).


At this juncture, Councillor Grant declared an in interest by virtue of his employment by Aberdeen Inspired. Councillor Grant considered that the nature of his interest required him to leave the meeting and took no part in the Council’s deliberations thereon.


On a division there voted:-


For the motion  (24)  -  Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Al-Samarai, Allard, Alphonse, Bouse, Hazel Cameron, Clark, Cooke, Copland, Cormie, Davidson, Fairfull, Greig, Henrickson, Hutchison, MacGregor, McLellan, McRae, Mennie, Nicoll, Radley, van Sweeden and Yuill.


For the amendment  (19)  -  Councillors Ali, Blake, Bonsell, Boulton, Brooks, Crockett, Cross, Farquhar, Graham, Houghton, Kusznir, Macdonald, MacKenzie, McLeod, Malik, Massey, Stewart, Thomson and Tissera.


Absent from the division  (2)  -  Councillors Grant and Watson.


The Council resolved:-

to adopt the motion.

Supporting documents: