Agenda item

School Estate Plan 2022 - RES/22/184


With reference to article 10 of the minute of its previous meeting of 14 June 2022, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which presented the finalised School Estate Plan for approval.  The report advised that the Plan set out the recommended actions to be undertaken to develop the school estate over the next ten years and beyond, supporting the delivery of the Council’s Property and Estates Strategy and the National Learning Estate Strategy.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –


City-Wide / Strategic

2.1      instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to adopt an approach which favoured the improvement and repurposing of existing assets, over the construction of new school buildings, where this was appropriate, and to ensure that where new school buildings were required, these were designed from the outset, to comply with the low carbon criteria set out within the Learning Estate Investment Programme, and where appropriate, with the Net Zero Public Sector Buildings Standard;

2.2      instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to ensure that all new primary schools were designed with a minimum pupil capacity of 434, and all new secondary schools were designed with a minimum pupil capacity of 1000, in order to support high quality learning and teaching;

2.3      note that potential changes in pupil population across the city were likely to require a reduction in the number of operational schools over the next 10 years, and that within this and future editions of the School Estate Plan, officers would bring forward specific options and recommendations for making changes to the school estate to ensure optimum efficiency and sustainability of the estate as a whole;

2.4      note that where appropriate, officers would seek opportunities to make use of available capacity within schools for other purposes, including the delivery of additional services, in order to make efficient use of available space within the estate which would also benefit local communities;

2.5      instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to carry out a review of

signage in all schools and upgrade / replace signage where required to

improve accessibility for all users and agree to refer this to the budget process;

2.6      instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to present a delivery plan for implementing the agreed actions in this report to the next meeting of the Education and Children’s Services Committee, and thereafter, to present an annual update to the School Estate Plan to the Education and Children’s Services Committee, commencing from September 2023, to report on progress with the agreed actions and to update these as appropriate, in light of the most recently available data;


Denominational Primary Schools

2.7      instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to carry out a feasibility study and stakeholder engagement to identify options for ensuring appropriate and sustainable long term denominational primary school provision for the city to meet forecast demand, and report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with recommendations;


Secondary Schools in the North of Aberdeen

2.8      instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to carry out a feasibility study and stakeholder engagement to identify options for reducing the predicted long term excess secondary school capacity in Grandhome, Oldmachar and Bridge of Don, and report back with an outline business case for consideration by the Education and Children’s Services Committee;

2.9      instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to carry out a feasibility study and stakeholder engagement to identify options for ensuring appropriate long term secondary school provision for Bucksburn and Dyce, and report back with an outline business case for consideration by the Education and Children’s Services Committee;


Schools in Central Aberdeen

2.10    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to carry out a feasibility study and options appraisal to improve the suitability, accessibility and capacity levels of Victorian schools within Aberdeen City, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with recommendations and estimated costs;


Bucksburn Associated Schools Group

2.11    note that officers had completed a feasibility study on the proposed permanent extension to Bucksburn Academy, and instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to report back to the Finance and Resources Committee with an outline business case for consideration;

2.12    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to engage with developers to track progress with the Bucksburn / Newhills developments, in order to determine options and appropriate timing for new primary school provision to serve the new housing developments, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with an outline business case;


Oldmachar Associated Schools Group

2.13    note that officers were currently engaging with developers to track progress with the Grandhome development, to determine any requirements for new primary school provision and to relieve forecast pressure on pupil numbers at Forehill School;

2.14    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to carry out a statutory consultation on proposals to re-align primary school zone boundaries within the Oldmachar ASG, to relieve future pressure on pupil numbers at Greenbrae School, and to report back to the Education and Children’s

Services Committee with the outcomes of the consultation and recommendations as appropriate;

2.15    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to carry out a feasibility study and stakeholder engagement to identify options for reducing the number of primary schools in the Oldmachar ASG, in order to minimise potential excess pupil capacity, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee as appropriate;


Bridge of Don Associated Schools Group

2.16    note that officers would continue to monitor forecast rolls at Braehead School and Scotstown School, and that any required actions would be reported in future updates to the School Estate Plan;


St Machar Associated Schools Group

2.17    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to carry out an options appraisal on potential uses of the additional capacity to be provided by the new school at Tillydrone, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with recommendations as appropriate;

2.18    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to consider the options for relocating other services accommodated within the Sunnybank School building, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with recommendations;

2.19    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to

carry out a feasibility study to consider the options for the removal of unused modular classroom buildings at St Machar Academy, and for carrying out general improvements to the outdoor space at the school, and to present a costed outline business case to the Finance and Resources Committee for consideration;


Northfield Associated Schools Group

2.20    note that officers would continue to monitor pupil numbers at Westpark School and Heathryburn School, considering the likely long term impact of the planned new Greenferns development, and that recommendations as required would be included in future updates to the School Estate Plan;

2.21    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to

carry out a feasibility study and stakeholder engagement to identify options for reducing the number of primary schools in the Northfield ASG, in order to minimise excess pupil capacity, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with recommendations as appropriate;


Hazlehead Associated Schools Group

2.22    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to assess the feasibility of creating new secondary school provision to serve the communities of Hazlehead and Countesswells, to put this forward to the Scottish Government as a priority project for funding in Phase 3 of the Learning Estate Investment Programme, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with an update on the outcomes of the funding bid and recommendations on next steps;

2.23    note that officers would continue to monitor the situation with the housing development at Countesswells and would bring forward recommendations as appropriate regarding requirements for additional primary school capacity to serve the development, in future annual updates to the School Estate Plan;

2.24    note that officers would continue to monitor pupil numbers at Hazlehead School and would include any required recommendations for action in future updates to the School Estate Plan;

2.25    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to carry out a further statutory consultation on the creation of a school catchment zone for Gaelic Medium Education provision at Hazlehead Academy;


Aberdeen Grammar Associated Schools Group

2.26    note that officers would continue to monitor pupil numbers at Aberdeen

Grammar School and would include any required recommendations for action in future updates to the School Estate Plan;

2.27    note that officers would continue to monitor pupil numbers at Mile End School, and include any required recommendations in future annual updates to the School Estate Plan;

2.28    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to carry out a further statutory consultation on the creation of a school catchment zone for Gaelic Medium Education provision at Gilcomstoun School;


Harlaw Associated Schools Group

2.29    note that officers were progressing plans to commission a review of sports facilities at Harlaw Road and Rubislaw, to allow Harlaw Academy to use the facilities for its off-site PE provision, and that the outcomes of this review with any relevant recommendations would be reported in future updates to the School Estate Plan;

2.30    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to

carry out a feasibility study to identify potential future options for improving the condition and suitability of the Harlaw Academy building, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with recommendations and costs;

2.31    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to

carry out a feasibility study to identify potential options for improving the dining capacity, layout and ELC facilities at Ferryhill School, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with recommendations and costs;


Cults Associated Schools Group

2.32    note that officers would continue to monitor pupil numbers at Cults Academy, and include any required recommendations in future annual updates to the School Estate Plan;

2.33    note that officers would monitor pupil numbers and use of space at Culter School, and consider options for alternative use of any available space, with any recommendations to be included in future updates to the School Estate Plan as appropriate;


Lochside Associated Schools Group

2.34    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to carry out a feasibility study and stakeholder engagement to identify options for creating the required additional school capacity to serve the planned Loirston Loch development, and report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with recommendations as appropriate;

2.35    instruct the Chief Officer Corporate Landlord to carry out a statutory

consultation on proposals to relocate Walker Road School to the new primary school building in Torry, following its completion, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with the outcomes of the consultation and recommendations as appropriate; and

2.36    note that the Tullos Playing Fields Pavilion building would be declared surplus to requirement within the school estate, to allow options for its future use or disposal to be considered, under standard vacant property procedures.


The Convener, seconded by Councillor Cooke, moved the recommendations as set out in the report, with an additional recommendation as follows:-


That the Committee:-

2.37    instructs the Chief Officer – Capital to put forward to the Scottish Government details of the planned refurbishment of the existing Riverbank School building ahead of  the relocation of St Peter’s School, for this to be considered as a priority project for funding in Phase 3 of the Learning Estate Investment Programme, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with an update on the outcomes of the funding bid and recommendations on next steps.


Councillor Brooks, seconded by Councillor McLeod, moved as an amendment:-


That the Committee:-

(a)      agrees 2.1 -2.12;

(b)      agrees additional recommendation Bucksburn ASG 2.12a as set out below:-

2.12 a Notes that officers will continue to monitor pupil numbers at Kingswells Primary and include any required recommendations in future annual updates to the School Estate Plan;

(c)      agrees 2.13- 2.32;

(d)      agrees amended 2.33 as set out below:-

2.33 notes that officers will monitor pupil numbers and use of space at Culter School, and consider options for alternative use of any available space, with any recommendations to be included in future updates to the School Estate Plan. Including adding Culter School to any relevant and appropriate interventions required across the Victorian school buildings;

(e)      agrees additional recommendation Cults ASG 2.33a as set out below:-

2.33a notes that officers will continue to monitor pupil numbers at Cults Primary and include any required recommendations in future annual updates to the School Estate Plan;

(f)       agrees 2.34 to 2.36;

(g)      agrees additional recommendation:-

2.37 to instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to include in future annual updates to the School Estate Plan any changes required as a result of the outcome of the examination by the Scottish Government Reporter of Aberdeen City Council’s Proposed Local Development Plan following it being approved by Full Council.


Councillor Malik, seconded by Councillor Grant, moved as a further amendment:-


That the Committee:-

(a)      notes at its meeting on 3 March 2021 the Council asked for a finalised School Estates Plan, what it has received today falls short of a finalised School Estates Plan meaning further dither and delay from an Administration that specialises in dither and delay politics;

(b)        notes the Administration’s agreement approved at Council only in May this year states  “It is important that we build a school’s estate which is fit for the future and provides the best learning environment for our young people” Noting that the very first recommendation at 2.1 undermines the Administration’s agreement by the very instruction that the favoured approach to the School Estate Plan is to refurbishment and repurposing of existing assets as opposed to building new Schools to modernise our school estate;

(c)      agrees in contrast to this Administration’s woeful commitment to our children and young people the previous Administration built invested and financed over the last 10 years the following new schools build programme.

a.        Lochside Academy

b.        Brimmond School

c.        Orchard Brae School

d.        Stoneywood Primary

e.        Milltimber Primary School 

f.         New Primary school in Torry

g.        New Primary school in Tillydrone

h.        New Primary School Countesswells

(d)      agrees recommendation 2.2 with the proviso that the problems we currently have with our School Estate relate directly to the last SNP/Lib Dem administration which built Bucksburn Academy too small;

(e)      agrees that Bramble Brae and Middleton Park schools should not be considered for closure. Instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord as part of the next report on the School Estates Plan to identify in which areas of the city they see School closures over the next 10 years to avoid further dither and delay;

(f)       instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to present a delivery plan for implementing the agreed actions of the Committee to the next meeting of the Education and Children’s Services Committee which should identify areas of the city where officers are recommending School closures, and thereafter, to present an annual update to the School Estate Plan to the Education and Children’s Services Committee, commencing from September 2023, to report on progress with the agreed actions and to update these as appropriate, in light of the most recently available data;

(g)      notes with disappointment the decision by the Council to remove funding from St Joseph’s School in respect of nursery provision. Not agree recommendation 2.7 in the report and agree the status quo on Denominational  Primary Schools;

(h)      instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to use the Community School Campus model to determine the needs for educational provision in the Bridge of Don;

(i)       agrees recommendation 2.11 and notes that a detailed financial report for both Capital and Revenue expenditure will be included in the Business case for Bucksburn Academy extension will be presented to the Finance and Resources committee;

(j)       agrees that Victorian Schools have had their day and whilst many Victorian Schools are still fit for purpose it is important to note Victorian Schools that are past their sell by date will not help school learning in the future therefore instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to make arrangements to plan feasibility studies and options appraisals to improve the suitability, accessibility and capacity levels of Victorian schools within Aberdeen City including replacing Victorian Schools with new modern Schools and to report the costs to undertake this work to the 2023/24 budget process and thereafter report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with recommendations and estimated costs;

(k)      instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to assess the feasibility of creating new secondary school provision to serve the communities of Northfield noting that Northfield Academy was built in 1954 and is the oldest Secondary School in our Estate outside the city centre, the community being a regeneration area is in much need of a new secondary School, and Committee should put this forward to the Scottish Government as a priority project for funding in Phase 3 of the Learning Estate Investment Programme, and to report back to the Education and Children’s Services Committee with an update on the outcomes of the funding bid and recommendations on next steps;

(l)       notes that developer contributions will contribute to future secondary school provision for Countesswells;

(m)     notes that the Tullos Playing Fields Pavilion building will be declared surplus to requirement within the school estate, to allow options for its future use or disposal to be considered, under standard vacant property procedures to include Community Asset Transfer;

(n)      agrees 2.4, 2.5, 2.29, 2.30 ,2.31 and 2.32 of the report; and

(o)      in all other regards, notes Appendix 1 of this report.


Mr Murray, seconded by Mr Crawford, moved as a further amendment:-


That the Committee:-

(a)      instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to include in the feasibility study and stakeholder engagement on Denominational Schools a question on establishing a Roman Catholic Secondary School in the city; and

(b)      to otherwise approve the recommendations.


At this juncture, Councillor Brooks withdrew his amendment.


The Committee firstly voted between the amendment by Councillor Malik and the amendment by Mr Murray.


On a division, there voted:- for the amendment by Councillor Malik (5) – Councillors Blake, Brooks, Grant, Malik and McLeod; for the amendment by Mr Murray (3) – Mrs Cardno, Mr Crawford and Mr Murray; declined to vote (9) – the Convener; the Vice Convener; Councillors Allard, Bouse, Cooke, McLellan, Nicoll and Radley; and Mrs Smith; absent from the division (2) – Mr Paul and Ms Scott.


The Committee then voted between the motion and the successful amendment by Councillor Malik.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (11) – the Convener; the Vice Convener; Councillors Allard, Bouse, Cooke, McLellan, Nicoll and Radley; and Mrs Cardno, Mr Crawford and Mr Murray; for the amendment (6) – Councillors Blake, Brooks, Grant, Malik, McLeod; and Mrs Smith; absent from the division (2) – Mr Paul and Ms Scott.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)       to note that officers would confirm the timescales in relation to when the work at Riverbank School would be complete and would circulate this to Members outwith the meeting; and

(ii)       to approve the motion.

-          COUNCILLOR MARTIN GREIG, Convener

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