Agenda item

Bon Accord Residents Association (BARA)


The Convener provided an overview on the history of the Bon Accord Residents’ Association (BARA) Achieving a Balance for City Centre Living Report and advised that she had first been given an insight to the report back in August 2022.


Information was provided on various discussions that had taken place over the past few weeks to consider whether it would be appropriate to discuss the BARA Report at the Local Licensing Forum meeting. The conclusion was that this would be worthwhile and for recommendations to be made on how the Local Licensing Forum could bring these to the attention of the Licensing Board.


A member of the BARA displayed a presentation showing evidence from residents and neighbours in this specific area of Aberdeen.


From the presentation, it was noted that:-


o   BARAs’ stance was not in relation to anti-alcohol;

o   BARA were seeking help in Aberdeen becoming a vibrant City where entertainment, shopping, family, and student life could co-exist in balance;

o   trespassing is an issue when people climb over the locked gates and fall asleep in residents’ gardens and stairwells and leave human waste;

o   noise levels were an issue from Thursday to Saturday night from around 12-4am with drunken behaviour, shouting and chanting and was caused by people not dispersing quick enough after the clubs close;

o   lighting was not in the right areas and needed to be reported on every occasion to prevent trespassing, drug taking, and easy access to gardens in the early hours when dark; and

o   assault and anti-social behaviour were becoming an issue which was making residents feel unsafe and threatened.


In response to questions from the members, it was noted that:-


·       no specific Police contact had been provided to them therefore, Police Scotland would liaise with the BARA and provide contact details;

·       for a specific period, residents should consider reporting every incident to the Police through calling 101 and to note all reference numbers provided to allow the hierarchy at the Police to view the rising cases being submitted;

·       in relation to the issue regarding people parking on double yellow lines,  the BARA could consider contacting the Scottish Fire Service as they would assist with Health and Safety issues around restrictions on access and junctions;

·       the BARA could approach issues as over-provision in the area; and

·       the local Councillors had been supportive and had already provided advice on the issues raised.


The Forum resolved:-

(i)             to note that the Local Licensing Forum’s role was to provide feedback and recommendations in relation to Licensing issues and to report back to the Licensing Board;

(ii)            that the opportunity to present these details formally to the Licensing Board would make the issues more visible;

(iii)          to consider liaising with Licensing Forums across Scotland regarding specific issues on a national level;

(iv)          to note that this was a neighbourhood issue and not just the views of the members of BARA in attendance today;

(v)           to note that school talks aimed at educating young people about the health and social impact of alcohol no longer take place; and

(vi)          to note that the residents of this area were not anti-alcohol, and they were hoping for a balance of a night-time economy and public living.