Agenda item

Local Development Plans - Cumulative Impacts


The Committee had under consideration, upon a remit from Nestrans on
16 February, 2011 (article 4(B) refers), a report by the Director of Nestrans requesting that the Committee s
upport the principles detailed in relation to mechanisms for developer contributions; and approve the proposal that Nestrans be the body to manage the fund for delivering strategic infrastructure and manage the processes for prioritisation and delivery.


The report explained that the results of the cumulative impact appraisal work identified a number of locations across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire where transport interventions would be required to fully support the level of development allocated in the emerging Local Development Plans for the two authorities. 


The report explained that all developments have an impact on the wider transport network and not just on the immediate surroundings.  The report explained that both Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils have incorporated the findings of the Cumulative Transport Appraisal into their proposed Local Development Plans and had identified the need for developments to contribute towards strategic infrastructure to address the cumulative impact of development. 


The report explained that it was recognised there are a number of current priorities identified for the enhancement of the strategic transport network in the region, and alongside this, a range of transport infrastructure would be required to support new development.  The report advised that a Working Group (comprising representatives of Nestrans, the Strategic Development Planning Authority, and the 2 local authorities) had recommended that such transport schemes should be grouped in the following four categories:- 

(a)       committed infrastructure that already had political support and funding allocated;

(b)       schemes which were committed politically and also listed in the Council’s Local Development Plans as committed but funding was not confirmed;

(c)        strategic infrastructure required to address the cumulative impacts of development; and

(d)       local infrastructure requirements required to mitigate the direct impact of specific development sites. 


The report had appended to it the detailed schemes relating to (a), (b) and (c) above and the areas for intervention. 


The report explained that there was an agreement between partners on the Working Group that a regional model for securing developer contributions for strategic infrastructure should be pursued with such a model being based on openness and transparency ensuring equity and common benefit.  The report explained that there was also an agreement amongst those on the Working Group that the proposed approach should be based around the following principles:-

  • major developments located within the strategic growth areas in the Aberdeen housing market area should be required to contribute to a single ring-fenced fund set aside to deliver strategic transport improvements to address the cumulative impact of development;
  • developer contributions to the strategic fund could be made on either a per-trip or per-house basis, proportionate to the predicted impact on the transport network of the development;
  • Nestrans would be an appropriate body to manage this fund for strategic transport infrastructure, with schemes delivered according to a prioritised list agreed by all partners.


The report explained that discussions with Aberdeenshire Council’s finance team had identified that it would be possible for Nestrans to hold the fund for strategic transport infrastructure with the funds raised through this mechanism ring-fenced for delivering the cumulative transport projects.


The report explained that there were a number of ways of taking this proposal forward but one was the possibility of debating these issues in the Strategic Development Plan main issues report.  Addressing this through the Strategic Development Plan would mean that it was only agreed once and would apply to both Council area.  The Working Group was in agreement that the mechanisms for delivery of strategic infrastructure, based around the principles outlined above, should be set out in supplementary guidance.  This could be done under the current approved Structure Plan and, in time, the new Strategic Development Plan.  It was currently anticipated that consultation could be carried out alongside the main issues report, with the supplementary guidance approved later in 2011.  The report explained that as there was a joint workshop planned for 25 March, 2011, between Nestrans and the Strategic Development Planning Authority, this subject could be one discussed at this event.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to approve the proposal in principle; and

(ii)        to request officers to submit a further report on the operational impact of the proposal, and seeking final approval of the project, to the Finance and Resources Committee.


Supporting documents: