Member |
Attendances |
MemberCouncillor Christian Allard | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Alison Alphonse | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Jennifer Bonsell | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Desmond Bouse | Attendances0 |
MemberCouncillor Ryan Houghton | Attendances0 |
MemberCouncillor M. Tauqeer Malik | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Duncan Massey | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Alexander McLellan | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Ken McLeod | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Ciarán McRae | Attendances0 |
MemberCouncillor David Cameron, the Lord Provost | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Ian Yuill | Attendances1 |
Member |
Attendances |
MemberCouncillor Gill Al-Samarai | Attendances2 |
MemberCouncillor Jennifer Bonsell | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Marie Boulton | Attendances2 |
MemberCouncillor Donna Clark | Attendances2 |
MemberCouncillor Neil Copland | Attendances2 |
MemberCouncillor Sandra Macdonald | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Neil MacGregor | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor Ken McLeod | Attendances2 |
MemberCouncillor Steve Delaney, the Depute Provost | Attendances1 |
MemberCouncillor David Cameron, the Lord Provost | Attendances2 |
MemberCouncillor Lynn Thomson | Attendances2 |