Please note that online agendas are retained indefinitely
To view the Service Updates for this Committee, use the following link:-
1. To set and monitor a resources strategy for the Council and to scrutinise performance within this.
2. To undertake overall management of the Council’s resources – finance, people, systems and technology, and property at the stage of acquisition or disposal.
3. To set budgets, including those managed by the service Committees, having regard to the priorities set by each service Committee.
4. To approve major proposals for changes to staffing structures and for additional staffing as determined by the Chief Executive.
5. To monitor all of the Councils budgets, in particular:-
(a) To establish processes and procedures for the close monitoring of budget approved by the Council.
(b) To receive budget monitoring reports from each service and to ensure close scrutiny for the management of each service budget.
(c) To call budget holders to account for the proper control of the budget for which they are responsible.
(d) To ensure action plans are in place to meet the budget savings approved by the Council and to monitor the performance thereof.
(e) To approve changes to the budget to meet the savings required including the power to vire between Service budgets.
(f) To scrutinise performance of each service against each budget forecast within the approved transformation strategy.
(g) To scrutinise the implementation of the Five Year Plan and to monitor budgets accordingly.
6. To manage the civic functions of the Council.
7. In respect of the Corporate Governance Service and the office of the Chief Executive:-
(i) To be accountable for the services provided, except internal audit;
(ii) To receive budget monitoring reports and take financial decisions concerning the service budgets where there will be no adverse effect;
(iii) To receive and scrutinise performance information.
8. To develop and approve corporate policy and strategies including partnership working, and HR polices, except the Health and Safety policy and those specified as relating to teaching staff and falling within the remit of the Education and Children’s Services Committee.
9. To oversee the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Elected Members including the taking of action in regard to allegations of misconduct and the introduction of any guidance, policy or procedures in accordance with the provisions of the Code.
10. To oversee the implementation of the Five Year Business Plan.
11. To approve a plan for Best Value Audits and to consider performance outcomes from the Audit.
12. To ensure the Council meets its obligations in terms of Corporate Governance compliance.
13. To ensure that the Council meets its responsibilities in terms of Best Value legislation.
14. To monitor annually performance and consistency between service committees.
15. Where the Chief Executive or Council so request, to monitor and scrutinise particular performance or service delivery matters.
16. To instruct such performance information as the Committee requires to fulfil its remit.
17. To ensure that in fulfilling this remit the Committee has regard to statutory requirements such as the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003, in relation to Best Value and continuous improvement.
18. The Committee will refer business items relating to service delivery issues to the appropriate committees, while reserving the function of monitoring performance of those other committees in dealing with items so referred.
19. To receive external performance reports, and ensure any necessary action, unless service specific.
20. To receive reports from the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman and ensure any necessary action.
21. To maintain an overview of the Code of Guidance on Funding External Bodies and Following the Public Pound – Review of the allocation of grants to outside bodies.
22. The Committee is charged with the responsibility for corporately monitoring and validating the activities of other Standing Committees relating to the development and implementation of processes for achieving Continuous Improvement (including Best Value) in the design and delivery of services and in the development of measures to achieve social inclusion and sustainable development, and generally with the promoting, in a visible and challenging manner, the development of Continuous Improvement (including Best Value) in all its senses.
23. The committee will have the responsibility of monitoring:-
(a) the development and implementation of new systems for ensuring performance management and quality assurance in the Council's structure for service delivery;
(b) the due influencing of service delivery, planning and strategic development;
(c) the planning and progress of service reviews and the implementation of action plans arising from those reviews;
(d) arrangements for achieving Value for Money, Continuous Improvement and Best Value in services provided by external contractors; and
(e) the adoption and implementation of the management framework for planning, implementing, monitoring, reporting and reviewing delivery.
24. To set and monitor an asset management strategy for the Council and to scrutinise performance within this.
25. To undertake overall management of the Council’s property at the stage of acquisition or disposal.
26. The Committee will consider such reports on the following tier 1, 2 and 3 organisations, and any tier 4 organisation, as may be submitted from the governance hub:-
· Grampian Valuation Joint Board (tier 1)
· Scotland Excel
· Aberdeen Citizens’ Advice Bureau
· Pathways
27. The Committee can require representatives of organisations to attend its meetings.
Support officer: Mark Masson, tel. 01224 522989 or email