Committee details

Operational Delivery Committee

Purpose of committee


Please note that online agendas are retained indefinitely


Terms of Reference operational from 1 April 2020




To monitor the delivery of all services provided by the Customer Services Function and the Operations Function (with the exception of educational services).  It will also scrutinise performance and approve options within set budgets to ensure best value and delivery of the Council’s agreed outcomes.  


1.              Service Delivery and Performance

1.1          The Committee will, in respect of the Customer Services Function and the Operations Function (with the exception of educational services):-

1.1.1         oversee, and make decisions relating to, service delivery;

1.1.2         approve options to improve/transform service delivery;

1.1.3         scrutinise operational performance and service standards in line with the Performance Management Framework and consider recommendations for improvements where required;

1.1.4         receive the cluster risk registers relative to its remit and scrutinise to ensure assurance of the controls in place;

1.1.5         approve all policies and strategies relative to its remit; and 

1.1.6         receive reports on inspections and peer reviews in order to ensure best practice and note any actions arising from those inspections and reviews.

1.2          In undertaking the aspects at 1.1, the Committee will ensure that it is acting within the budget set by Council and is supporting the delivery of the Council’s agreed outcomes, commissioning intentions and service standards.


1.3          The Committee may make recommendations to the appropriate committee(s) or sub committee(s) on areas affecting the Customer Services Function or the Operations Function (with the exception of educational services) where the authority to approve sits within the remit of another Committee or Sub Committee. 


Executive Lead:  Chief Operating Officer and the Director of Customer Services



Contact information

Support officer: Lynsey McBain on 01224 522123 or email