Issue - decisions

Aberdeen in Colour/City Centre Lighting Strategy and Implementation Plan - OCE/17/028

06/02/2018 - Aberdeen in Colour – A Creative Lighting Strategy and Implementation Plan for Aberdeen City Centre - OCE/17/028

(i)         to approve the Aberdeen in Colour – City Centre Creative Lighting Strategy;

(ii)        to instruct the City Centre Masterplan Programme Manager to initiate action to implement Aberdeen in Colour through the development of business cases for creative lighting projects to be considered at future meetings of this committee and

(iii)       to instruct the Chair of the City Centre Masterplan Board to enter into discussions with Aberdeen Inspired, Opportunity North East, Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce and Creative Scotland to identify any possible funding streams to expedite implementation of the creative lighting strategy and to incorporate the outcome of these discussions within any business cases that are brought before the appropriate Committee.