Issue - decisions

Committee Planner

24/09/2018 - Committee Planner

(i)        to remove item 6 (Strategic Car Parking Review), item 10 (Property Asset Management Policy and Framework), item 45 (Joint Initiative for Vehicle Emissions (Jive 2) Report), item 86 (Community Planning Aberdeen - Local Outcome Improvement Plan Annual Report) and item 102 (Ferryhill Engine Shed Lease) from the Planner;

(ii)       to transfer item item 54 (Citizens Using Non Digital Platforms – Options Appraisal) to the Strategic Commissioning Committee Planner; and

(iii)      to note the reasons for the reporting delays in terms of item 7 (Capacities of Junctions Associated with the AWPR/B-T - NOM Cllr Boulton), item 9 (Annual Report on Economic Panel), item 11 (Service Income Policy), item 13 (Aberdeen Art Gallery -  Visitor and Economic Impacts), item 15 (Building Performance Policy), item 19 (Balnagask Motte Regeneration), item 26 (City Centre Masterplan Project EN10: Union Terrace Gardens – Outline Design, Business Case, Development Costs and Procurement Strategy), item 49 (Credit Review Rating Annual Report), and item 51 (Reserves Strategy).