Issue - decisions


18/09/2018 - Young Carers Service

(i)            to instruct the Chief Officer - Integrated Children and Family Services, following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to undertake a procurement process to appoint a supplier of a service to Young Carers who did not meet the eligibility for a social work service;

(ii)          to approve the estimated expenditure of £550,000 as detailed in the report and appended procurement business case; and

(iii)         to delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Integrated Children’s and Family Services, following consultation with the Chief Officer - Finance, to set up a Young Carers Grant Programme at a sum of £25,000 for each financial year until 2023 for the Young Carers Service to apply for a grant on behalf of a young person and/or their family; and to set the criteria for the awarding of funding from the Grant Programme.