Issue - decisions

External Funding and Partnerships

24/09/2018 - External Funding and Partnerships - PLA/18/143

(i)        to note submission of an application to Interreg NWE’s Hydrogen Waste Vehicles in North West Europe (HyWAVE) project, and pursuant to a successful application:-

(a)       Note the making by the Council of an application to Interreg North West Europe for grant funding of €650,955 (£576,066);

(b)       Note that entry into a grant agreement is subject to approval by the Head of Commercial & Procurement Services, following consultation with the Convener of City Growth & Resources Committee and the Chief Officer – Finance;

(c)       Approve expenditure by the Council of that grant funding and the additional sum of €433,970 (£383,864) from existing Fleet Services budget over a three-year period towards the abovementioned project;

(d)       Approve overseas travel for two officers to attend two partner meetings and annual conferences per year connected with this project, costs of which are included in the above budget and recoverable from the Interreg NWE programme;

(ii)       to nominate Councillor Reynolds to the role of either substantive or alternate UK Representative to the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions’ (CPMR) Political Bureau and, subject to successful nomination:-

(a)       Approve international travel for the Elected Member and an Officer to attend up to three CPMR meetings per year in this role, subject to Aberdeen City Council’s 2019/20 budget setting process.