Issue - decisions

Impact of Free School Meals

12/11/2018 - Impact of Free School Meals - RES/18/180

The Committee resolved:-

(i)          to note that officers would clarify whether leaflets in different languages promoting free school meals had been circulated to / by schools and would update Members outwith the meeting;

(ii)         in respect of paragraph 3.4.5 (Phase 2 of the initiative), to request that officers provide further information outwith the meeting to Members in respect of the use of rewards and the monitoring of the uptake of media campaigns and tasting sessions;

(iii)       to note that officers would clarify whether there was a requirement for an annual registration process;

(iv)       to note that officers would clarify whether information on the Council’s national award-winning school meals service was included in the leaflets sent to parents, and to request that this be included if not done so already;

(v)        to note the impact of the current work which had focussed on raising awareness;

(vi)       to approve the proposed workstreams for ensuring maximum registration and uptake of free school meals through continued raising awareness and collaboration and use of digital; and

(vii)     to instruct the Chief Operating Officer to ensure that functions across the Council collaborate to deliver and monitor planned work in order to maximise the number of families registering for free school meals.