Issue - decisions

Sustainable Procurement and Community Benefits Policy

26/11/2018 - Sustainable Procurement and Community Benefits Policy

(i)               to approve the Sustainable Procurement and Community Benefits Policy contained in Appendix 1;

(ii)             to instruct the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services to implement the Council’s policy in a way which contributed to the outcomes contained in the refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP);

(iii)            to instruct the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services to work with the Community Planning Partnership partners to review the applicability of the ACC Community Benefits Policy to partners contracts thereby enabling a collective contribution to the LOIP from a multi agency approach to community Benefits; and

(iv)            to instruct the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services to report back to the Committee at its November 2019 meeting on the progress made in the implementation of the policy and its application to the LOIP.