Issue - decisions

Declarations of Interest

30/11/2018 - Declarations of Interest

the following declarations of interest were intimated:-

(1)       the Convener, the Vice Convener, Councillor Laing, Councillor Boulton and Councillor Flynn declared an interest in item 10.5 (External Transportation Links to Aberdeen South Harbour Pre-Appraisal and STAG Part 1 Study) by virtue of them being Council appointed members and/or substitute members of the Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee, it was noted that the Standards Commission provided dispensation for elected members and substitute elected members, as voting members of the City Region Deal Joint Committee, and as such, they do not have to remove themselves from the debate and any voting when discussions on the City Region Deal, its projects and funding, and/or recommendations from the City Region Deal Joint Committee comes before them at relevant Council meetings. The aforementioned elected members and substitute elected members (the Vice Convener and Councillor Flynn were substitute members) remained in the meeting for consideration of the item;

(2)       Councillor Laing declared an interest in item 9.2 (Corporate Debt Recovery and Service Income Policies) by virtue of her being a Council appointed Board member of Aberdeen Inspired. She considered the nature of her interest did not require her to leave the meeting and therefore chose to remain in the meeting for consideration of this item; and

(3)       Councillor Flynn declared an interest in item 10.1 (Economic Policy Panel Annual Report 2018) by virtue of him being a Board member of Business Gateway. He considered the nature of his interest did not require him to leave the meeting and therefore chose to remain in the meeting for consideration of this item.