Issue - decisions

Service Income Policy

30/11/2018 - Corporate Debt Recovery and Service Income Policies - RES/18/259

(i)        to approve the Corporate Debt Recovery Policy in Appendix 1 to this report;

(ii)       to approve the Service Income Policy in Appendix 2 to this report;

(iii)      to approve that the policies be implemented from 1st January 2019;

(iv)      that officers circulate further details regarding the Scottish Choices initiative in relation to the effective education of customers in terms of Universal Credit;

(v)       that officers circulate a briefing note in terms of staff pay dates being brought forward in 2018 (and the situation in 2019) including the possible impact this would have in relation to Universal Credit; and

(vi)      that officers were to investigate whether the appropriate right of appeal information (including suitable timeframes) was issued to people in relation to bus lane charge notices and that confirmation be circulated to members of the Committee in this regard.