Issue - decisions

Performance Report

05/06/2024 - Performance Report - CORS/24/144

The Committee resolved:-

to note the report.

02/04/2024 - Performance Report - COM/24/076

The Committee resolved:-

to note the report.

29/01/2024 - Performance Report - COM/24/004

to note the Performance Report. 

15/11/2023 - Performance Report - COM/23/336

The Committee resolved:-

to note the report.   

07/09/2023 - Performance Report - COM/23/246

The Committee resolved:-

to note the information contained in the performance report.

12/07/2023 - Performance Report - COM/23/176

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to request that a Service Update be issued to Members on Choice Based Lettings, providing details on any feedback reeceived from users, as well as retention levels; and

(ii)             to otherwise note the performance report. 

18/05/2023 - Performance Report - COM/23/114

The Committee resolved:-

to note the information contained in the report. 

14/03/2023 - Performance Report - CUS/23/060

The Committee resolved:-

to note the performance report. 

26/01/2023 - Performance Report - CUS/23/006

to note the report. 

02/11/2022 - Performance Report - CUS/22/227

The Committee resolved:-

to note the report.



07/09/2022 - Performance Report - CUS/22/160

The Committee resolved:-

to note the information contained within the Performance Report.

25/11/2021 - Performance Report - CUS/21/263

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              in relation to the indicator for % of foster carers and adopters approved within a timescale of 6 months from the time of application, that the Chief Officer – Integrated Children’s and Family Service, provide more narrative around this indicator for future performance reports;

(ii)             to request that the Chief Officer – Customer Experience, investigate the possibility of producing an awareness campaign in relation to dog fouling, which might assist the public and alleviate pressures on staff; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information provided in the Performance Report.

22/09/2021 - Performance Report - CUS/21/194

(i)              to request that the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services, liaise with the performance team and sort the target for delivering school meals for the next committee meeting;

(ii)             to request that officers provide information on the two formal complaints that were received in relation to Environmental Services for quarter 1, 2021/22 and to report back to members on what the lessons learnt were, as detailed in the appendix; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information provided in the Performance Report

02/06/2021 - Performance Report - CUS/21/101

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree to the reduction in the target for Service Standard %Foster carers and adopters approved within a timescale of 6 months from application from 90% to 75%.

(ii)             to note that in relation to the target for the percentage of unclassified roads that should be considered for maintenance treatment, that the indicator should be green and not amber as stated in the report;

(iii)            to note that the target for Child Protection Conference held within 21 days had previously been agreed to be reduced from 100% to 80% and to ensure this was reflected in the next Performance Report;

(iv)           to request that officers provide information by way of a Service Update with further information about the performance of the Customer Contact Centre;

(v)             to request that officers provide more information in future reports in relation to the Financial Inclusion team with details on cases per month;

(vi)           to request that officers provide more information to members by way of email, in regard to the satisfaction survey issued to new tenants;

(vii)          in relation to the cost of Environmental Health per 1000 of population, to request that officers look at comparative local authorities and their performance and data, rather than a comparative with Scotland as a whole;

(viii)        in relation to the target for number of school lunches served through the year for primary ages children for 2020/21, that officers circulate information to members by way of email on the breakdown of meals provided for each quarter of the year;

(ix)           in relation to the target for total number of complaints received (stage 1 and 2) - Building Services, that officers provide more information on this to members by way of email;

(x)             to request that officers provide information to members by way of email, on the potential savings that could be made with the completion of the rollout of the use of LED street lighting; and

(xi)           to request that officers ensure that City Wardens are aware to report any bulky fly tipping items to the appropriate service for the necessary action to be undertaken.


17/03/2021 - Performance Report - CUS/21/036

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree that the target for Child Protection conferences held within 21 days, be amended from 100% to 80%;

(ii)             to request that the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, send information to members by way of email in regard to the satisfaction surveys completed by tenants who move properties; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information provided in the Performance Report. 

19/01/2021 - Performance Report - CUS/20/241

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to note the Void Council Housing service update issued on the 7th January;

(ii)             to note the issues arising from Covid-19;

(iii)            to note the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment chairs the fortnightly Voids Outcome Improvement meeting which scrutinises performance and progress on identified improvement actions;

(iv)           to agree that Void Properties are far too high and instructs the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to continue to develop the improvement plan, in consultation with the Convenor and Housing Spokesperson, to reduce Void Properties significantly, and agrees that the improvement plan be sent to members of the committee for reference only;

(v)             to agree that committee members receive fortnightly updates on Void numbers  by way of email;

(vi)           to agree that officers would issue information by way of email to members on the cleaning alert timescales for community buildings;

(vii)          to agree that the Chief Officer – Integrated Children’s and Family Services would provide some information behind the statistics in regards to Children’s Integrated Services for future Performance Reports and

(viii)        to otherwise note the information provided within the Performance Report. 


25/11/2020 - Performance Report - CUS/20/176

The Committee resolved:-

(i)               to request that a Service Update be issued every cycle in regards to Void properties;

(ii)              to request that a report be brought back to a future meeting of this committee on the progress of Void properties;

(iii)            to note that the volume of Void properties be reported in future performance reports;

(iv)            to note that the Chief Officer – Integrated Children’s and Family Services, share information to all members via email, in regard to the Performance indicator and the percentage of child protection plans issued in 5 days; and

(v)             to otherwise note the information contained in the performance report. 

16/09/2020 - Performance Report - CUS/20/075

The Committee resolved:-

(i)               to thank officers for their continued efforts during an exceptionally difficult period in regard to COVID-19;

(ii)              to request that the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, look at incorporating the supermarket vouchers with the Food for Funds scheme and to provide the information to members, by way of email;

(iii)            to request that officers in Waste Services look at the performance indicator in regard to whether income from the garden waste service should be netted and to generally review the waste disposal performance indicator; and

(iv)            to otherwise note the information contained within the Performance Report.  

10/03/2020 - Performance Report - COM/20/041

The Committee resolved:-

to note the information contained within the performance report. 

23/01/2019 - Performance Report - COM/19/085

The Committee resolved:-

to approve the Performance Report with no further observations made.