Issue - decisions

Review of Free Bus Travel and safe routes to Lochside Academy

21/05/2019 - Lochside Academy - Transport and Safe Routes to School - Annual Update 2019 - PLA/19/235

The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to note the outcome of the 2019 annual review for transport and safe routes to school for pupils attending Lochside Academy;

(ii)        to note that significant numbers of children attending Lochside Academy continue to cross Wellington Road outwith the safe crossing points by climbing over the vehicle guard rail separating the north and southbound carriageways between the Souterhead Roundabout and the junction with Charleston Road North; and

(iii)       to refer the matter at (ii) to the Operational Delivery Committee, with the recommendation they give effect to implementing protective measures to prevent pedestrians crossing Wellington Road between these junctions by instructing the Chief Officer Operations and Protective Services to design and install protective measures to prevent pedestrians crossing Wellington Road between these junctions, to be paid for by reprioritising funds from the Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets Budget.