Issue - decisions

Traffic Management Measures within TECA - OPE/19/

23/09/2019 - Various Small Scale Proposals - stage 3 - OPE/19/335

The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to acknowledge the objections received as a result of the statutory consultation; and

(ii)          to overrule the objections received and approve the order “The Aberdeen City Council (Malcolm Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 210X” as originally envisaged.

23/05/2019 - Traffic Management Measures within TECA - OPE/19/247

The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to acknowledge the comments received as part of the statutory consultation;

(ii)          to instruct the Chief Officer for Operations and Protective Services to proceed with the experimental traffic order for a period of eighteen months; and

(iii)         to instructs the Chief Officer for Operations and Protective Services to review the operation of the experimental order after 1 year and following the review bring forward a permanent traffic order either in the same terms as the experimental order, or with amended terms as suggested in the review, including consultation with statutory bodies and the public advertisement of proposals.