Issue - decisions

Management of Gaps in the Public Transport Network

23/09/2019 - Road Safety Plan - OPE/19/334

The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to thank officers for their continued efforts and hard work with the Road Safety Plan; and

(ii)          to approve the Road Safety Plan for Aberdeen City 2019-2022.

23/05/2019 - Management of Gaps in the Public Transport Network - PLA/19/080

The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to note the outcome of the review into s19 and s22 Community Bus Permits by the Department for Transport.

(ii)          to agrees that no changes are made to the current provision of supported bus services this financial year.

(iii)         to note that a Service Update report will be circulated following completion of Judicial Review into Community Bus Permits and the further review of the Permit Scheme by the Department for Transport.