Issue - decisions


10/12/2019 - General Fund Budget Options for 2020/21 to 2024/25 - RES/19/462

(i)        to note the financial modelling that has been updated for 2020/21 to 2023/24;

(ii)       to note the wide range of anticipated demands that will place pressure on the Council’s General Fund Revenue Budget;

(iii)      to note the existing General Fund Capital Programme and anticipated investment profile that has been updated with the latest information;

(iv)      to instruct the Chief Executive to report back to the Council on 3 March 2020 with budget options for 2020/21, together with Equalities and Human Rights Impact Assessments (EHRIAs);

(v)       to note that as part of the COSLA/Scottish Government Local Governance Review, national pilot projects are being considered; and

(vi)      to instruct the Chief Executive to consider which elements of our transformation programme meet the criteria for consideration as national pilot projects and submits relevant applications to Scottish Government and reports back to Committee as appropriate.