Issue - decisions

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

10/12/2019 - Aberdeen Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan - PLA/19/422

(i)        to adopt the SUMP as presented in Appendix A;

(ii)       to instruct the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, in consultation with the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services, to commence delivery of the small-scale projects listed in the SUMP that can be progressed in the short-term; and

(iii)      to instruct the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning and Chief Officer – Capital, to develop a prioritised delivery programme of transport interventions (to encompass larger-scale interventions recommended in the SUMP and the City Centre Masterplan, as well projects arising from the recent Roads Hierarchy review and the ongoing Low Emission Zone development process) to inform the Capital budget process and report this programme back to Committee in due course.