Issue - decisions

IJB Scheme of Governance - Annual Review

21/11/2019 - IJB Scheme of Governance - Annual Review

The Board resolved:-

(i)            to approve the name change of the Audit and Performance Systems

Committee to Risk, Audit and Performance Committee,

(ii)          to approve the revised Audit and Performance Committee Terms of

Reference, as outlined in Appendix A and as discussed,

(iii)         to approve the revised Clinical and Care Governance Committee Terms of Reference, as outlined in Appendix B,

(iv)         to approve the revised Roles and Responsibilities Protocol, as outlined in Appendix C,

(v)          to approve the revised Standing Orders, as outlined in Appendix D, and as discussed

(vi)         to note that Aberdeen City Council is currently reviewing its Scheme of

Governance. A report on this will be submitted to Council in March

2020. Council Officers will evaluate these changes and inform the IJB

of any changes that will impact the business of the ACHSCP or the IJB

and its sub-committees. This update will be brought to the IJB meeting

immediately following the March 2020 Council meeting.