Issue - decisions

Westhill to Aberdeen Transport Corridor Study

03/11/2020 - Aberdeen to Westhill Transport Corridor Study - COM/20/174

(i)              to agree the findings of the recently completed study into options for improved transport connections between Westhill and Aberdeen and the incremental approach to the delivery of active and sustainable travel improvements in the study area;

(ii)            to instruct the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning to develop a programme for the delivery of the Low Delivery Package measures, subject to available funding, as detailed in the Action Plan at Appendix 1 and report these back to City Growth and Resources committee for approval;

(iii)           to instruct the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning to develop the Outline Business Case for the Medium / High Delivery Package measures as detailed in the Action Plan at Appendix 1, subject to available funding and report back to the Committee in Summer 2021;

(iv)           to note the High / Gold Delivery Package of measures as detailed in the Action plan at Appendix 1 for future consideration;

(v)            to instruct the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning to continue to work with partners to maximise external funding to assist with the delivery of these active and sustainable travel measures; and

(vi)           to note that these active travel proposals help to support the Councils ambitious Net Zero carbon plans for Aberdeen.