Issue - decisions

Queen Street Redevelopment Project /Mortuary Project - Draft Partnership Agreement and Business Case

03/11/2020 - Queen Street Redevelopment Programme Update - RES/20/158

Queen Street Redevelopment:-

(i)              to approve the acquisition of the Police Scotland Headquarters on the main terms outlined in section 3.7.3. of this report;

(ii)             to instruct the Chief Officer – Governance to conclude the appropriate legal agreement in relation to the Police Scotland Headquarters purchase, incorporating various qualifications as are necessary to protect the Council’s interest;

(iii)           to instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to negotiate the acquisition of remaining land parcels as identified in the report;

(iv)           to instruct the Director of Resources to procure a development partner to develop options for the redevelopment of the area and report the results back to this Committee; and

(v)            to instruct the Director of Resources to develop a project proposal with the Scottish Courts and Tribunal Services and report the results back to this Committee.

North East Scotland and Northern Isles Integrated Mortuary:-

(vi)           to note the progress of the Full Business Case, the results of which will be reported to the City Growth and Resources Committee on 3 February 2021.