Issue - decisions

Sport Aberdeen Annual Report

17/11/2020 - Sport Aberdeen Annual Report - COM/20/216

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to note that the Head of Commercial and Procurement was working with Sport Aberdeen to address how best to ensure all relevant data was captured in the annual report;

(ii)             in relation to the performance indicators contained on pages 95 to 99 of the report, to note that Mr Robertson would provide further information to Members outwith the meeting on projects where funding streams had come to an end which may have affected performance against targets;

(iii)           in relation to the key performance indicators contained on pages 124 and 125 of the report, and the decrease in participation in, for example, athletics,  to note that Mr Robertson would investigate with colleagues if there were specific reasons behind the drop in participation and circulate this information to Members outwith the meeting;

(iv)           in relation to page 127 of the report and the decline in figures from 2017 to 2019 for school club links, to note that Mr Robertson would provide further information to Members outwith the meeting;

(v)            to request that the Chief Officer – Data and Insights discuss with the ALEOs whether the Council could provide any assistance in relation to data gathering;

(vi)           to note the Sport Aberdeen ALEO Annual Report;

(vii)         to congratulate Sport Aberdeen on its receipt of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a charity or voluntary group could receive in the UK;

(viii)        to note that initial data indicated Sport Aberdeen had generated £7,497,467 of social value in the last 12 months from activities taking place within Sport Aberdeen venues;

(ix)           to recognise the Strategy for an Active Aberdeen 2016 – 2026 had the vision of making Aberdeen the most active city in Scotland and the aims and objectives of this strategy were closely aligned to the Sport Aberdeen Business Plan;

(x)            to note that Sport Aberdeen was fully committed to contributing to the city-wide delivery of the Aberdeen Local Outcome Improvement Plan and to helping Aberdeen City become a UNICEF Child Friendly City; and

(xi)           to congratulate all those involved in delivering Sport Aberdeen’s Business Plan objectives as detailed in the annual report.