Issue - decisions

2C Report - to follow

03/12/2020 - 2C Remodelling Business Case - HSCP.20.049

The Board resolved :-

(i)            to endorse, approve, and agree to proceed with implementation for the preferred option outlined in paragraph 3.7, to enable the remodelling of the 2C GP practices;

(ii)          to note the intended procurement process to implement the preferred option as at appendix B, C & D (exempt) to be delivered in conjunction with ongoing internal development with the 2C Practices, supported by ACHSCP;

(iii)         to make the direction as attached at appendix E and to instruct the Chief Officer to issue a Direction to NHS Grampian; and

(iv)         to request that an update on the outcomes of the procurement process is brought back to the IJB in March 2021.