Issue - decisions

Update on Housing First position - CUS/21/003 - to follow

19/01/2021 - Update on Housing First position - CUS/21/003

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to note the report at appendix 1;  

(ii)             to approve option 4 at Appendix 1;

(iii)            to note the decision of the Scottish Government to fund the Housing First Fund by only 50% and regrets that this partial funding by the Scottish government is set to end in 2022;

(iv)           to note the comments of Kevin Stewart MSP Minister for Local Government and Housing on social media that the ‘right policies, regulations and resources ‘must be in place to combat homelessness; and

(v)             therefore instructs the Chief Officer- Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to write to Kevin Stewart MSP, Local Government and Housing Minister, seeking a commitment to ensure the service is 100% funded for 2021/22 financial year and beyond.