Issue - decisions


09/02/2021 - External Transportation Links to Aberdeen South Harbour and Wellington Road Multimodal Corridor Study - STAG Part 2 - COM/21/01

(i)       to note the contents and outcomes of the Aberdeen South Harbour (ASH) Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) Part 2 study, as per Appendix 4 of the report;

(ii)       to approve the progression of recommended Road (Option A4), Public Transport (Options B1 and B2) and Active Travel (Options C1 and C4) from the External Transportation Links to the Aberdeen South Harbour Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) STAG Part 2 Appraisal Report, as shown in Appendix 1 of the report;

(iii)      that subject to approval of the of options in (ii), instruct the Chief Officer Capital to develop a business case for these options and to report this to the City Region Deal Joint Committee upon completion; and

(iv)      that subject to approval of the of options in (ii), instruct the Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to continue with the Wellington Road Multimodal Corridor Study, ensuring that subsequent appraisal work reflects the decision of this Committee on a preferred option from the External Transportation Links to the Aberdeen South Harbour study, and to report the outcomes of the Wellington Road STAG Part 2 appraisal to this Committee in June 2021.