Issue - decisions

Domestic Abuse Policy

22/09/2021 - Annual Assurance Statement - CUS/21/181

to approve the Annual Assurance Statement appended to the report for submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator by 31st October 2021. 

02/06/2021 - Aberdeen City Autism Strategy Update Report - 21/078

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to request that officers circulate information to all elected members in relation to data available on the locality of autistic school age learners; and

(ii)             to note the report and the information on progress against the action plan as presented in Appendix A.

17/03/2021 - Domestic Abuse Council Housing Policy - PLA/21/052

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to request that officers provide updates to members on the Domestic Abuse (Protection) (Scotland) Bill, which is currently going through the Scottish Parliament;

(ii)             to approve the Domestic Abuse Council Housing Policy; and

(iii)            to approve the following new Delegated Power: “To offer alternative accommodation to perpetrators of Domestic Abuse providing they are engaging with housing staff and are willing to move on a voluntary basis.  This should be accommodation of appropriate size and in an area of similar letting demand, as determined by the Chief Officer Early Intervention and Community Empowerment”