Issue - decisions

Fleet Replacement Programme

17/05/2021 - Fleet Replacement Programme - OPE/21/100

(i)       to approve the phase 1 Fleet Replacement Programme for 2021/22 (as detailed in Appendix A) and notes that a phase 2 Fleet Replacement Programme for 2021/22 will be submitted to a future meeting of this committee;

(ii)       to instruct Chief Officer Corporate Landlord in consultation with Chief Officer Operations and Protective Services and Chief Officer Strategic Place Planning to report to a future meeting of this committee with a programme of infrastructure improvements to support increased numbers of electric vehicles within the council fleet, and

(iii)      to delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Operations & Protective Services, following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services and Chief Officer – Finance, to consider and approve procurement business cases for vehicles and plant for the purposes of Procurement Regulation; and thereafter to procure appropriate works and services, and enter into any contracts necessary for the vehicles without the need for further approval from any other Committee of the Council.