Issue - decisions

Socio-Economic Rescue Plan Final Update - COM/21/099

17/05/2021 - Socio-Economic Rescue Plan Final Update - COM/21/099

(i)       to note the success of the Socio-Economic Rescue Plan and the actions taken during 2020/21 to aid economic recovery within the city of Aberdeen;

(ii)       to note the timetable as set out by the Scottish Government in relation to Covid-19 Protection Levels. Notes that by the 7 June 2021, Aberdeen is on track to be level one and an announcement is to be made by the Scottish Government regarding level zero. Therefore, instructs Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning in consultation with Public Health Scotland to bring forward a report on the timetable for removal of the Spaces for People initiatives to the next Committee in June taking into consideration any decisions made by this Committee in respect of the City Centre Masterplan and associated reports;

(iii)      to note the successful delivery of this plan and agrees for a report to be submitted to the meeting on 3 November 2021 of this Committee, providing information on the recovery initiatives, including budget allocations, undertaken in 2021/22;

(iv)      to agree to instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to write to the Implementation Group as outlined at 3.2 of the report thanking them for their support in helping the city Council deliver the Socio-Economic Rescue Plan; and

(v)       to instruct the Chief Officer – City Growth to engage with businesses and other interested parties seeking to establish the feasibility for a local food and crafts market in the vicinity of Rubislaw Terrace Gardens and to report back to the next meeting of this Committee detailing options for potential implementation in Summer 2021 in consultation with the Depute Provost.