Issue - decisions

HSCP.21.054_Appendix A_Strategic Risk Register

27/05/2021 - Integration Joint Board - 6 monthly Strategic Risk Register review - HSCP.21.054

The Board resolved :-

(i)            to note the current position of the Strategic Risk Register at Appendix A, and approve the proposed addition to the Strategic Risk Register relating to the Integration Joint Board’s duties under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 as endorsed by the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee at its meeting on 27 April 2021;

(ii)          to approve the removal of Risk 10 (European Union Exit) from the Strategic Risk Register, as endorsed by the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee at its meeting on 27 April 2021; noting that any workforce risks arising from the EU Exit will be captured within Risk 9 (Workforce); and

(iii)         to note that a review of Risk 3 (Hosted Services) will be presented to the September 2021 meeting of the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee; as supported at its Committee on 27 April 2021.